Life after over 20 Years of Military Service

I am an Army Officer, who is currently assigned at Fort Knox, Kentucky. After over 20 years of service, I am most interested in focusing on my family life, as a single parent. I recently completed my PhD in Human Services, which is where my interest lies, in particularly working with youth.

Waiting for a family

I've lost my only daughter to a brain tumor. And, I want a family. I can provide and give what is needed to raise a family. But, I am getting older, so I think I would be best at having older children .But,I am willing to expand my horizons on that. I am really interested in the two sisters but I would like to be given the chance to become a foster or a forever home for anyone.

Wanting More

I have three handsome boys. After our youngest was born we rushed into getting things done to prevent either of us from having more kids. It didn't take long fpr both of us to release the mistake of rushing into the procedures. I lost a baby girl and miss taking care of babies, raising kids. My husband and I both want more kids.

Waiting to Complete Our Family

After years of infertility, we were blessed with Ella Grace. We went through more infertility trying to make her a big sister. However, we feel called toward adoption to complete our family. We know that there is a baby out there that is meant to be loved and a part of our family.

Completing our Family

Mike and I have been married since the spring of 2011 and after a couple months decided to try to have a baby. We later found out that we both had medical issues that would make it difficult. This was devastating for both of us. We tried various procedures, surgeries, and medications and after 2 ½ years, we finally got pregnant through IVF. Ella Grace is now 2 ½ years old. After her first birthday, we decided to try for baby #2. The same procedure that gave us Ella didn’t work after 3 attempts and 1 miscarriage. We struggled with what we wanted to do next. We considered letting Ella be an only child, but even at a young age, we can see her desire to be around a baby and be a big sister. And more than anything, our family doesn’t feel complete. We have the desire in our hearts to be parents again and we believe adoption is the path for us.

Adoption is our miracle

Christian and I met in College, and after about three years of a beautiful love story, we decided to get married. I am adopted. So adoption has always been our plan to add to our family. Through the miracle of adoption, we have two beautiful girls. Emma is almost 7, and Elianna is 3. They are the light of our lives. We are praying to add to our family once more through adoption.

The Sands Waiting Story

Dear Expectant Parent(s),

We as a family are truly blessed to be writing you this letter. You and I have very different circumstances but our circumstances are very much the same. You have an unplanned pregnancy, yet you love the child you will give birth to. I cannot have a second child, but would love for our family to grow. After the birth of our daughter Leah, four years ago, I was misdiagnosed with Endometriosis. Endometriosis has destroyed my right fallopian tube and caused me to loose my left tube. Through the course of two surgeries the only way for us to get pregnant again is to try IVF. My husband and I discussed IVF but decided against it because when I was pregnant with Leah I became very sick with a syndrome called HELLP. It caused my platelets to drop and Leah was born 6 weeks early. Leah spent 5 weeks in the NICU. Watching the pain on my husband's face through the birth of Leah and two surgeries from Endometriosis, I could not put him through any more worry and upset. In the course of four years, I was so busy trying to cure my body and find a way to get pregnant we failed to see that God had a bigger plan for our family. Through prayer, support from friends and family and a true desire to have a second child we want to adopt a baby into our home whom we can love and cherish.

Brian and I have been with each other for 15 years. We met 15 years ago at Wilson High School on a blind date for the Winter formal. I had asked my friend Lindy if she knew of anyone and she said she knew a boy in her art class that might be interested. After a phone call, Brian and I met at a Taco Bell. We continued to date for five years and then decided to get married in 2004. We graduated college at different times. I finished my BA and credential in Art Education in 2006 and Brian graduated with an Electrical Certificate and Journeyman's License in 2009. I currently am a high school art teacher and Brian works as a Locomotive Diesel Electrician for the Union Pacific Railroad.

After adopting, we will continue to work fulltime and our child will be at our home with their grandmothers two days a week and at a home daycare three days a week. Our families live locally so it has been a blessing to have Leah bond with her grandmothers and has given her a chance to meet other children at either a home daycare or her current preschool. Leah has been attending a private, Christian, preschool for two years and has blossomed socially and academically. She has been attending gymnastics at school and has taken ballet. She will attend a neighborhood kindergarten starting in the fall. It is a few blocks away from our house which is very familiar to her. She spends a lot of time at our local library and park.

Brian and I have owned our home for 8 years and have been very happy raising Leah in our neighborhood. One of the things that attracted us to our neighborhood were the trees. We have spent time growing lots of plants and vegetables in our backyard. Leah is quiet the gardener. It is a place to relax and watch Leah grow up. When Brian and I are not working, we enjoy taking Leah to museums, doing art projects, reading stories, going for walks in the Nature Center, going on play dates, going to Disneyland, going to the San Diego Zoo and to spend time with our family. Brian and I respect and cherish our families. Monthly we visit both sets of Leah's grandparents' houses. Depending on your comfort level, we would love to have an open relationship with you.

We would love to meet with you if that is what you desire. We are open to any form of communication you are comfortable with. If you choose us as parents we want to send you pictures and updates about the child. We would also like a more open relationship with you after the child is born. We pray God's blessing on you and know this is a very difficult and uncertain time. Please know that we care deeply for you and your child.

We are represented by Nightlight Christian Adoptions. If you want more information about us or would like to meet us, please contact Nightlight at 888-933-2287


Erica and Brian Sands

Kevin and Ann Black

Kevin is a carpenter for a charity and Ann is a Speech Pathologist in the schools. We have been happily married for almost 10 years. We have diligently saved money to pursue our dreams. We have bought a nice home in the woods and developed our land to pursue our joys such as gardening and raising chickens. We also have trails that lead to quiet prayer spots. Everything is wonderful, yet we long to share our blessings with a child. Through domestic adoption we are able to make this hope a reality. We are planning on adopting a baby girl who will be born in Oklahoma in July of this year (2016). In July we will fly out to get our daughter from the hospital where she will be born. We will spend a couple weeks in Oklahoma for the legal work necessary to bring baby Black home. Any prayers and/or financial support would be greatly appreciated as our family will soon grow and we could use the support as we jump into all the changes.
Christ's Peace be with you.

Ryan & Bonita

Dear Birth Mom, Hello...We are Ryan and Bonita, from central Alabama. Obviously we do not know you, yet we have thought about you many times since we have been praying for an adoption. We want you to know that we offer our heartfelt love and support to you as you make this important decision. We imagine that you may have some mixed and uncertain feelings and emotions regarding this, and while we cannot make them all disappear; we CAN tell you that we offer our true, genuine love for your baby and a happy home for children to grow up in, secure in our love. May God be with you and bless you in your decision.
We have one biological daughter, Caleigh, and have been unable to have another child. After several years of doctoring and prayers, we felt to grow our family by adopting a baby. We are so thankful that about two years later we were able to adopt a little girl, Rayna Claire. Her adoption has been a great blessing and a most beautiful answer to our prayers for another baby. We have a special relationship with Rayna's birth mother. We became close friends before Rayna was born and we maintain an open communicative relationship. She has a special place in our hearts and lives.
So we now have two daughters; Caleigh is six and Rayna is a year and two months old...and growing fast! We have always dreamed of having more children in our family, so we began to pray for another baby to adopt. That brings us into contact with you and we hope you can feel our honest care and concern for you and your child. We want whatever is best for you both. Your sacrifice will be our gain and we truly appreciate your difficult decision. Adoption has been a positive part of both of our lives since my sister and her husband have four adopted children, and Ryan's uncle and his wife have adopted children also.
We have a strong faith in God and are very thankful for his blessings to us. We are very active in our church and have many wonderful and supportive friends there. We enjoy a happy simple lifestyle and find rich fulfillment and contentment in serving God and our fellowmen. Our wish is to convey God's love and the grace he gives to all of us each day.
Now for a little more about us...we have been married for 10 years. I met Ryan in Florida volunteering on cleanup work after Hurricane Ivan. Our acquaintance grew into a friendship during the following years. Ryan proposed in July of 2005 and on October 1 we were married in a very special ceremony with many family and friends present. We share many of the same interests. Love of travel, history, outdoors, hiking and gardening have been the launch pad of many awesome memorable times together. A week of hiking in Glacier National Park, three weeks spent traveling to Zimbabwe, Germany and Switzerland, and a vacation to St. Augustine and Sea World in Florida are among our most favorite trips and anniversary celebrations. We are self-employed; farming corn, soybeans, and wheat and raising cattle. We own our single family 3-bedroom, 2.5-bath home on 12 acres that is a mix of woods and pasture. We have a big yard with a sandbox and swings for playtime. Our patio behind our house is enjoyed for outdoor meals and is a great space to host friends and family. Early in our marriage we set some goals for our relationship. Some of these included a commitment to and faith in God and our church, unselfishness in action and loving communication with each other. We are best friends and have a great time just being together!
I love being outdoors and spend a lot of time gardening in the summer. I help Ryan with the farm's book work and volunteer at our local library. I like to cook and enjoy hosting friends in our home. My family is from Georgia and we enjoy getting together several times a year. My parents have been married for 47 years and still live in the home I grew up in. My siblings are all married and have families of their own. ~ Ryan is even-natured, gentle and compassionate. He is a wonderful daddy to our girls and puts his home and family first. He works hard and provides well for us as a family. He enjoys hiking in the mountains, backpacking and fishing. Ryan's parents and family live close by and we enjoy many good times together. He has a sister and two brothers who are married and have families. Caleigh and Rayna love to play with their cousins!
Ryan and I were both raised in happy secure homes and neither of our families have any broken homes among them. They support us and are excited about our decision to adopt. Most of all we want to give our children unconditional love and teach them responsibility, honesty, and compassion so they may be a blessing to their families and communities. Sincerely, Ryan & Bonita