Our adoption story starts over 30 years ago when we first met. We were friends who began dating after the death of my husband's mother. At a point when we both wanted something more to life, we settled down and got married. Over the years we had chapters that included foster care to adoption; our eldest daughter is adopted. We went on to have four biological children. Those were many mostly happy chapters. Recently we experienced a mixed chapter when a parent was diagnosed with stage four cancer. We were honored and able cared for my mother in our home until she passed early in 2015.
We are now excited about using a small inheritance we received as the seed money for one more adoption. We initially joked about not getting enough money to change our lives, but using it to adopt would be an amazing change.
Anxious about our age we contacted Nightlight Christian adoptions in the fall and before we knew it we were hosting a Ukrainian orphan. We fell in love with this child and are so excited about this chapter. Having an opportunity to meet the child, introduce our children to him and bond with him was precious. Two of my adult children told me if we did not go ahead with the adoption they would have to.
What an exciting chapter. Here I am in my early 50's adding a child to our family. It has got us going to the gym at 5:30 in the morning doing everything we can to be the family this young man deserves.
Please consider supporting us in this journey, but I also encourage you to consider writing a similar chapter in your story; it will be an adventure.