William & Megan NCA ID 1003983
Dear Expectant Mother,
We are William and Megan, and we are grateful for the opportunity to be writing this letter as both motherhood and adoption are so important to us. It is beautiful that God has chosen you to bring a living being into this world. At the same time, we have seen in our own experiences that life in this world doesn’t go as we planned. Yet, adoption is a beautiful provision that reflects God’s love and care for us. So, we thank you for considering adoption for the little life that is growing inside of you. We realize the decision you are facing can be difficult and we want you to know that we respect the decision that you will make. Though we don’t know you, we care and want the best for you and your baby. Pursuing adoption wasn’t always at the forefront of our minds. However, we have always had a deep respect for it. William especially has fond memories of being adopted by his father when he was five. Our road to adoption began about 5 years ago after finding out that we were infertile. We’ve known each other for 21 years, and have been married for 17 of those. We have one dog, and she loves kids. We are blessed to have our grandmother living with us who says she’s going through her “ninth childhood.” She, too, is excited about adoption and can’t wait to sit and rock a baby, play peek-a-boo and share all of her wonderful stories. Plus she gives the best hugs. For fun, our family likes to go on vacations to historical places. We also enjoy doing different things outside; like, riding bikes, hiking and camping. Along with outdoor activities, we also spend time playing games, watching movies and listening to music. After the day’s activities, every night at dinner we read the Bible, pray, and sing together as a family. Both of our families are excited to see our family grow through adoption. We have some family that live close by, but most of them live in a different state. Regardless of the distance we speak daily and get together several times a year and they are excited to join us on this journey. We can’t imagine the journey that you yourself are on. But we are thankful for you and would be honored to be a part of your journey through adoption and post adoption as extended family. Depending on the your comfort level, we are open to letters, photos, and annual visits and possibly more as able. We pray that you are blessed and have peace through whatever decision you make.
With love and prayers, William and Megan
View Profile Book
It’s been a little over a year since we created our profile and we wanted to give a bit of an update on what’s been happening over the past year. We are celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary, and we continue to wait patiently to be matched with a birth family. We took a few trips to visit family, and have enjoyed family coming up to visit with us as well. We had 2 weddings in the family last year: William’s twin brother and his sister, not to each other of course. And now we have new titles of Uncle William and Auntie Megan; the two siblings that got married just had their first children. We are excited that our future child already has cousins in place. We are continuing to prepare ourselves as well as our home for a new addition to the family. We, sadly, had to say good bye to our dog Maggie of 15 years; she was a very good girl and her presence is missed. Marzipan, our other dog, is now 2 years old and is still full of energy. As she loves to go on walks, we are trying to start the habit of family walks through the neighborhood. Here are just a few highlights in pictures of the past year.