Jack & Mary (#2091084)
Hi There, Thank you for taking the time to view our profile and to learn about us. We can't begin to imagine the difficult decisions you have to make for your child and yourself. We are praying for you as you consider all of your options and hope you have peace in whatever decision you make.
We both grew up in sunny California and met working at a Christian summer camp. We were married in 2014, and are enjoying life with our 2 pups, Pepper & Eevee. Even before we were married, we had discussed adoption and knew it would one day be a part of our journey. Though we haven't been able to have biological children, we both love kids and are longing to share that love while raising a child. In 2023 we were blessed with a wonderful nephew, and have been able to be "uncle and aunt" to our closest friend's adopted daughter. We love spending time with our families, as well as friends. Church is a huge part of our lives as well. Our families, friends, and church family have been incredible support in our journey so far. We enjoy traveling, board games, escape rooms, and sushi dates. We know that openness is an important part of adoption and that you have a special role in your child's life. We want to keep you updated and involved as much as you feel comfortable. We would love to communicate through phone calls and share updates and pictures through email or text and we would love to be able to have visits with you should that be something you would like. We thank you again for taking the time to read about us and wish you and your baby the best in whatever you decide. Jack and Mary
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