Our names are Katie and Jason and we are interested in adopting a child to expand our family! We have been happily married for several years and believe that children are an absolute blessing to our family. We have one young son, but we are hoping to expand our family. Our son loves Santa, using “tools” to fix things, and enjoys eating anything with cheese on it. He loves going to the Home Depot and playing with his cars. He is very sweet and we are so proud of him! We are a Chrisitian family and raise our son with these values in mind.
We are both teachers with advanced degrees and were born and raised in Maryland. We live in a large single family home in a rural setting with a big yard in one of the best school districts in Maryland! We have very nice neighbors and are only a short drive from a town.
Both sets of our parents live locally and we see them regularly. They are a valuable support system for us and are involved in our lives. Katie’s older sister lives nearby and we have a very close relationship. Jason’s brother, sister in law, niece and nephew recently moved out of state, but we keep in touch with them via phone/video chat. There is a great family that lives next door with similar aged children. Finally, we have a variety of friends that we connect with and many of whom have young children as well.
In our free time we enjoy playing golf, though we are still learning how to improve our game. We enjoy playing with our son and spending time with our families on the weekends. Our son likes to play in the backyard on the swing/playhouse, help us “drive” the tractor or help with yard work. We enjoy going to the library or local events on weekends. We live in the central Maryland area so we are close to a variety of activities and opportunities.
We are currently home study approved to adopt a child aged 0-10 and have an established relationship with an adoption lawyer.