I am a single woman that lives in Sacramento, California. I Hope soon to move to Texas and by some property to expand my business. I am an inventor been working on an invention to help this journey with Rob. It has been a bit Challenging, but worth every bit of effort and motivation. I am so excited to get this little man to be my own and raise him up to be a wonderful lite boy that believes in miracles. I have been around special needs children now for 20 plus years and every moment. It's a field that is very rewarding, Challenging and fulfilling. I plan on giving Rob special care and the support services he needs to be successful in life. I ha e already reached out for services that is going to help with his physical impairment and socialization skills. I am looking forward to being him I. The kingdom of GOD as my little Jesus.
Special Needs Adoption
Family worth waiting for
At 22 years old I had my last baby. ! Because I was told another beautiful child would end up killing me during child birth ! I have three beautiful children and a 200 acer farm ! We are looking to add another little guy to our Christian family ! Our son who is five has been wanting a brother. And me and my husband want to give another child the love and care they deserve.
Looking to adopt again another special needs child...
Hi, I'm a mom of 3 adopted children my boys Jayden 13 and Elijah 9 where adopted from foster care as a sibling set and my daughter Adelina who just turned 2 was through a special needs angecy open adoption with birth family. We are looking to adopt again a baby girl or sibling set. Ages 0 to 4 years old. I want my daughter to have a sister around her age to grow up with. We are a Hispanic Christian family love going to church, music, and doing family activities together. We love food and being silly. I am a stay at home mom and home school my kids. I have 15 years as a career nanny and hold medical degrees. I am the biggest advocate for my kids. I have services in place for my daughter and ready to use if needed for my daughter or sibling set. I speak some Spanish and have a huge family that bilingual and we feed off family time. We love to travel and try new things. We will welcome a child into our home with open arms.
Bringing Gracie Home
My wife and I have been married for 15 years and we have two biological children, Chloe age 9, and Gabe age 6. We are very happy but we also realize we have room in our family for another child to love. Even before we had our biological children we always knew someday we would adopt. We’ve always had a desire to give a home and love to a child who was born without it. We went on with life and started our family the normal route and it wasn’t until this past year that we really started having the desire to get more information on what it would take and what it would require of us to consider adopting. My daughter played soccer with a boy whose mother was the agency director at Nightlight Christian Adoptions which was where we were already considering going through for an adoption. So after discussing things over with Dana she encouraged us to check out an adoption seminar which we did. Going into that seminar we had the mindset that this was a really good possibility for us. When we came out of that seminar it was no longer a possibility but a reality for us. We knew this was the route for us and we even decided from the beginning that we would like to adopt from the special needs program through China. We talked to our little kids at home and prayed together as a family and it seemed like we were all on board and excited for our next journey as a family. A few months went by and we hadn’t really got started or anything and we took our church youth to Tennessee for a youth convention. At that conference Holt International had a booth set up and kept talking about sponsorships and adoptions. I told Ashley that when we got home it was time to get things rolling with an adoption. The very next week we got a call from out of nowhere from the adoption agency asking us if we would be interested in looking at a little girls file to consider her for adoption. From the moment I got the call I honestly felt like it was God giving us a blessing and a confirmation to move forward. So my wife and I reviewed her file that night and from the first glance into her file we already knew that Winnie, which is her file name, was our new little girl! She was born with Spina Bifida and club feet. We know she has needs and needs special care and we are so ready to give all that and more to her as we welcome her into our home. God has blessed us so much and continues to bless us. My son is 6 and he has already asked me if his new little sister knew anything about Jesus. After I told him more than likely not, he responded that when she came home he wanted to preach at church so he could be the first one to tell her about Jesus!!! That was such a beautiful moment for me! I am the pastor of Freedom Baptist Church in Lincoln County Kentucky so that request of his is definitely a possibility!!! If I were to clearly give a reason for adopting it is simply this; We have room in our hearts and home for a child who does not have a family or home. We can provide what they have so far been denied. And in the process we will get an opportunity to raise this little girl to know what the hope of Jesus truly looks like. To us this little girl is worth all of the effort, time, and prayer that is needed to bring her home to her new forever family.
B + D = Three
We are looking forward to bringing home our son, Micah, age 8, in the late spring or early summer of 2016. We have been looking forward to becoming a family of three since receiving prior approval back in September. We had the glorious opportunity to host this young man in the summer of 2015 for three weeks. He is full of life and adventure. He loves to watch airplanes, fire trucks, construction and other big vehicles around town. He enjoys swimming, watching television, and playing with toy cars. His favorite outing this summer was to the Louisville Zoo and playing video games at Gattiland. Due to a hereditary metabolic condition, he must follow a strict diet. We enjoyed finding new ways to make popular American and Chinese dishes this summer. Thank you for helping us to bring Micah home to his forever family.