The Welch’s Adoption Journey
Roberta and Brandon
San Antonio, TX
Dear Friends and Family,
We would like to say, first, how grateful we are for all of you. We'd also like to thank our Lord and Savior who has adopted us into His family and made us His own- we who once lived as enemies of the Cross and Christ and by the blood of Christ we have been brought near to our Heavenly Father who is not ashamed to own us as His children. We would say this is where our story has always begun- with and in Christ and God, our Father.
As you all know, it has been our God's sovereign will to withhold biological children from us since we were wed in November 2020. Brandon, in his infancy, was born with panhypopituitarism. After the Lord had saved Brandon in 2014, the Lord impressed in Brandon’s heart a desire for marriage and children. We remember the first time we went to see his doctor after we got married. Upon congratulating us on our marriage she broke the news to us that we will not be able to bear children unless Brandon receives an expensive hormone treatment. This was one of the most crushing news we had ever received in the entirety of our marriage because we were both looking forward to expanding our family right away. God had other plans for us. We have attempted this treatment on two occasions, but we were unable to financially sustain the cost of this medication as our insurance and Brandon’s doctor was unwilling to cover the therapy.
We spent nearly a year trying to do the medication only to find out that there had been no change. Although we both spoke about adoption before, it was not until 2022 we were more serious about pursuing adoption and still trusting the Lord to give us biological children. While trying to discuss our options with adoption, we concluded that we wanted to adopt babies into our home. We investigated infant adoption and were sorely discouraged to find out- not only the cost- but the amount of waiting involved in it. Brandon came across a form of adoption called embryo adoption. We were so ecstatic to find this for it would give us the opportunity to experience pregnancy, have babies and take orphans into our home (who may otherwise have been destroyed had their placing parents not decided upon an adoption plan for them). Although the cost is daunting, we are still encouraged to pursue embryo adoption as we trust our God will provide.
So, my friends and family, we ask that you join us in prayer to the Lord to bless us with children as our greatest request; but we also request you give as the Lord leads you in helping us with this journey.
Thank you,
The Welchs
0 Family Updates
Christi Smoak
May God bless your journey!
Jeffrey Onore
The Rolands
We love you guys! You will be wonderful parents.
Marie Raidiger
Keep trusting in the Lord and He will direct your steps
Danielle O
Leticia Kepka
Kevin Wright
Love you Both
Sam Knell
We love you guys very much. Praying that the Lord provides an opportunity for you two to be an instrument of mercy and grace in the life of a child once abandoned, so that he or she may come to know our Lord in your home. May our God bless you all in this season and beyond!
Sebastian Faure
Continue trusting in the Lord! Much love
Christian and Kahini Lesperance
We love you guys so much! We pray that the Lord would grant you both a child that will not only be raised up in the way they should go, but that they come to know Jesus as Lord of their life and come to experience the warmth and love that you both bring. May God keep you and bless you all the days of your lives.
Aaron Hager
Love you both and praying that everything works out well. I know you two will make great parents.