The little Embyro that could...
Sarah and Blake
Springfield, Kentucky
We were able to conceive our sweet little boy through the snowflakes embryo program after 2 failed transfers and heartbreaks. We decided to give it another try and found out we were indeed pregnant and the transfer was a success but shortly after we lost the baby. With only 4 embryos remaining we are so hopeful in trying one more time to complete our family and give our son a brother or sister, maybe even both! 😉 unfortunately insurance doesn't cover ivf treatment and medication, which is required when doing embryo transfers and the transfer itself if a self pay basis! We look forward to completing our family and meeting our Rainbow baby! We know the Lord isn't finished yet and our story is still being written. Thank you to all those who have donated & helped our biggest dreams come true! This organization has been amazing to us, and we are so blessed to have found them to help us grow our family!
Thanks again for all the love, support, prayers and donations, we are forever grateful for your generosity and helping us complete the family of our dreams!