Our Calling to Adopt
Abigail and Ryan
Lakeland, Florida
Adoption has been on our hearts for years. We have wanted to expand our family but were troubled on bringing another child into this world. You hear horror stories of what other children go through and our hearts have been to help the ones that could not help their own personal circumstances. Everyone deserves to be loved.
We did so much research, took face to face classes, and talked with family friends who have been through the adoption process. We wanted to be smart. We wanted to make the right choice for us and our family. We looked into domestic. We looked into foster to adopt. We looked into infants, but our hearts were being pulled toward Africa.
Summer of 2017, we went to Rwanda, Africa for a missions trip with our church. Our hearts were stolen by the children of Africa. Their struggles, their happiness, their strength and resilience, their beauty and kindness. The list goes on. At that point we knew, we are meant to adopt from Africa and forever keep the continent in our hearts. As soon as we made it back to the states we decided to move forward with adopting from Africa.
We had a very distinct dream and desire of what we were looking for! We knew we wanted to help a child. We knew what age and state we were looking for, then it happened. We saw “Benjamin” on the Waiting children list. My husband and I both saw him and said how adorable he was and that it is crazy he was every little desire we were looking for but we saw that Uganda required a year foster time period. My husband I both said “There is no way. How would we make that work?” Well, little did we know God had a different plan. I went for a run and spent one on one time with God praying and my husband had been praying as well. When I came home, we said the same thing, “Benjamin is our son and we need to fight for him.” We called our agent and that was it. We haven't thought of what if, what about, or what will happen? We have been determined and driven by faith that God will take care of us. So far, God has provided every step of the way. We have rented our house, sold our car, got our daughter set up to stay behind with her grandparents, quit our jobs and we are ready to meet our Son.
We have prayed for confirmation over our decision and at this point in this process we are 100% secure and comfortable with our choice. He has been visible every step of the way.
We are unable to work while we are in country due to work visa processing time and cost. We know God is faithful and pray we have touched your hearts. We would appreciate any help being that the cost of living in Uganda is very inexpensive.
We are taking on this trip as an adventure and a time to develop a connection with our son’s culture. We are viewing it as growth with God and the time that we will be expanding our family. Other than that this is in Gods hands. Our home and family is patiently awaiting to meet our Son.
The Tidwell Family
0 Family Updates
Kristee Michael
I wish you and your family nothing but the best! Love always, Kristee & Taylor
Meagen Franks
Suzanne Harris
Best wishes on your adoption...it is a wonderful thing you are doing.
Jacqueline Matern
Alyssa Carey
Crystal Lynch
Good luck and congratulations!!!
Taahira Jabar
This is soo beautiful Abigail! Praying that God continues to answer your prayers and blesses your family immensely!
Galinda Fleming
So happy for you. Blessings!
Teresa Terry
Love you all and admire your faith. Please take care of each other. We will all be praying in support here!
Oya Galati
Wishing you a successful and safe journey. You guys are amazing!
Kortne fagundo
I love you Abby!
Erica Enman
Camille Bielling
God is going to use you guys in amazing ways.
Emily Tew
Loving your obedience to His calling! Relax and enjoy, God’s got this now ❤️! Love, Emily and Jeff
Mark & Renee' Hinton
Lane Hickey-Wiggins
Kortne Fagundo
Love you, Abby and Ryan!
Kortne Fagundo
Love ya'll!
Cerina Carey
Praying for you and your family! Congratulations on this new venture with your little one.
Kortne Fagundo
You guys are AMAZING!
Sarah Malone
Love, love, love following your amazing journey... such an inspiration and wonderful witness to the love and goodness of the mighty God we serve!!! To God go the Glory!!! Prayers for continued and abundant blessings your way.... ????❤➕
Love you guys!
Prayers for strength, comfort, peace, and MUCH LOVE.
Teresa Terry
Thinking about you all so much! Prayers are always coming your way!