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When we were ready to start our family, we had some issues with infertility. After two years, we were finally able to conceive our son, Emerson. When we were ready to start the fertility process again, we had an even more difficult time. After about a year of mourning our infertility, we were ready to start the process of expanding our family through adoption. In fact, we had always considered adoption as an option, even before we found out that we would have so much trouble conceiving a child on our own. We’ve seen the adoption process through the experiences of friends and family, and now seek to do the same. We love adoption and are so excited to unconditionally love any child we are privleged enough to adopt into our family.

Valerie Hudson

Love you, Amanda! Emerson and your new baby are so blessed to have you and Kevin as their parents!

Summer King

So excited!!!

Barbara Hepler

Tam Austin

We love you guys and will continue praying for you!

Mary Plemons

Praying for you and this very blessed little one! Love you guys!

Melissa Mohr

Deja Sessa

Adriane & Bryan Davenport

We are so excited for you and can’t wait to see who God gives you guys.

Dale and Cindy Cato

Leah Pena

Aaron and charis Smith

We love you guys and are overjoyed to be able to support the addition of Bennett to your family!

Haley Harsha