Blessed to be a blessing
Andy and Robin
Phoenix, Arizona
Since we were dating, we've talked about adopting. We both grew up with many adoptive families around us, and have seen the beauty of it firsthand. We love the heart behind adoption, and believe that God has adopted us into His family. Our gratitude compels us; it is our opportunity to share the great love we have received in a profound and enduring way.
After many years, moves, and life changes, our family is ready for adoption (as best we humanly can be). Our biological daughter is looking forward to being a big sister! She is already saving her toys and thinking of ways to help her new sibling adjust. We are learning Mandarin in preparation for a child from Taiwan, and have built a strong, stable, and supportive community around us.
Currently, we have been approved to adopt in the US and we await Taiwanese approval. We'll then be eligible to be matched!
Since we have started the adoption journey, we have been surprised and encouraged by our many friends and family that have been touched by adoption. Thank you for walking with us and we look forward to hearing how adoption has changed your life. We hope to change at least one more.
0 Family Updates
David Haveman
We're so excited for your family!
Sarah Rowland Calahan
I support you! I am thankful to God he has placed loving people like you in our world.
Karen Zelinski
Brett and Sarah Yeater
God bless your family and your adoption
Stefanie Chung
Megumi Van Kampen
We love you guys and are praying for you and your family! Excited to get to meet the baby the Lord intends for you!
Tiffany Kwon
We love you and how your family is living out the gospel through adoption. Praying for you and so glad we get to be a part of this beautiful story. :)
Deborah Chung
I’m so happy for you guys! :) I know it’s been a long process but it’s finally happening! I can’t wait for your new chapter.
Melanie Tom
Naomi can't wait to have a new playmate! :)
Mike and Devon Whalen
Thank you for including us in your adoption journey. We are excited to see the path that God unfolds for you as you prepare your hearts and home for the child He already has chosen to be a Lee.
Jordan and Kaylie Addison
We're so excited for you guys. Praying the process goes smoothly.
David Hsu
Exciting! Will be praying for you guys!
Joanne Anderson
What an amazing way to grow your family. Best of luck! :) Love, Joanne and Ryan
Charles Kim
We hope all goes well with the adoption. We will be praying for you guys.
Heeyoung Lee
Praying for you and your family...
Jason Sato
Excited for you guys!
John & Melody Ishihara
We're so excited for you!!
Shawntel Ojeda
Excited to see God working through you to provide a forever home for a child in need ❤️
Kirstin Williams
I am so happy for your family!!! A new member to your family will be blessed indeed!
Cheri Berryman
We are excited to follow you on this journey
Colleen & Collin Smith
We are continually in awe of the love your family pours into the world by the grace of God. We love being your biggest fans along the way! Love, Colleen, Collin & Rory Smith Ps: Sushi Deli in 2020?
Dona Bozek
I am so happy for you! And I can't wait to meet the new little Lee who God has chosen for your family :)
Andrew Wittmaier
Lori Brickner
Hello Friends! I am so excited to see how our Father is moving in your lives. He has chosen your family before the creation of the world. Psalm 68:4-6a 4 Sing to God, sing praises to his name; lift up a song to him who rides through the deserts; his name is the Lord; exult before him! 5 Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation. 6 God settles the solitary in a home
Ginger Ciminello
Waiting in hope with you!
Jean Klinkhamer
So exciting, this child will be blessed to have you as family! much love, Jean and Mindy Klinkhamer
Michael Huffaker
We love you guys!
Scott Shoemaker
praying for you!
Katie Garcia
We are so excited to support y’all in this journey! We can’t wait to meet the daughter God has for your family 💜
Robert Barrett
Blessings to you from Bob and Lanette Barrett.
Barb & Bob Thompson
We are honored to be part of your adoption story. God has blessed us with 4 adopted grandchildren. We hope and pray that this contribution will be a blessing to you and for the glory of God. We commit to support you in faith and prayer also.
Nancy Branch
Love your hearts for adoption! Blessings to you all.❤️❤️❤️
Brett and Sarah Yeater
Anonymous :)
Christine Huang
So wonderful to hear of your news -- looking forward to watching your family grow!