$14,999 goal
$10,110 raised so far
67.4% raised
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Hi there, Hattebergs here! So SO thankful you'd even take a few minutes of your time to visit our Adoption Bridge page and learn a bit more about this exciting journey we are on. This August we hit 10 years of marriage (holy cow a DECADE!), and even before we got married we both individually knew adoption would be a part of our stories. We have adoption in both of our families, international and domestic, and as well as a whole lot of diversity, so we grew up seeing the beauty that adoption is. After having Everlee and Cole, as we thought about growing our family, we felt a resounding peace and confidence that this was the next step for our family. Once we learned more about domestic adoption, our hearts also really swelled for the relationship with the birth mother (and hopefully father) and how we might be able to walk along side her in this impossibly difficult and brave time. So here we are! We are now officially Match Ready (i.e. can now be shown actively to birth mothers!) and in maybe the most difficult step of this entire process....THE WAIT. Although, this admittedly is also the most uncomfortable part of the process for us, we do still have approximately $21,000 remianing of the estimated costs in giving this little one a forever home. We so wish words on this screen could convey how deeply grateful we are that you would even consider partnering with us in this adoption - thank you, thank you, THANK YOU.

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Sarah Ward

The James Family

We are so excited to meet your little one!

Madison Mayberry Hofmeyer

Praying for your newest family member and your hearts as you wait!

sally and chris smith

Please use these funds towards your goal of providing a loving home to a baby in need; we support and love our next grandchild! Love, Mom and Chris

Brittany Lanphier

Praying blessings over your adoption journey and new family member! Love, The Lanphiers

Carrie Morrison

We are praying for your family as you walk down the adoption journey.

Leslie Miller

Ashley Bundy

I am so thrilled you all are adopting! Much love to you all ❤️


Love you guys and praying now for the child God has already ordained to be a Hatteberg!

Kyle and Bethany Phillip

Yay Baby H!! Praying for him or her now as well has the birth mother - that the Lord would be with her closely in this process! So excited for you guys, for your girls and just can't wait to see his/her sweet face! We love supporting friend's adoptions and it is an absolute honor and privilege. Thank you for letting us be a part!

Chelsea Hewitt

Jessica Lowe

We love you guys!

Whitney Woodby

Love y’all so much! This kid is going to be the most lucky!

Kathy Taylor

Luke, Abby, Everlee and Cole, The love you have to share will be a beautiful gift for your new baby. Like you, we know the beauty and blessing of adoption. We look forward to welcoming our new niece or nephew/cousin with open arms and lots of hugs. Love Kathy, Brad, Angela and Anna


Love y'all so much! And we will love this child! -Bethany & Dustin

Greg and Cathy Taylor

We are so glad to be a part of this adoption process. We pray you may reach your goal and soon welcome a little one into your home!

Heather Dyer

We could not be more excited for you and your beautiful and growing family!! Our prayers are with you and may the Lord give you clarity and certainty in knowing the child He has intended for your home, to be loved and raised in His image. Love and MISS you guys SO much! PS Have a few things I am eyeing and plan to purchase when we are home for delivery. Love your Etsy shop!!

Mindy Farris

Love you guys so much, and I know you will be blessed very soon!!!

Lauren and Will Grey

Love y'all!!

Tiffany Carroll

Amy Clark

We cannot wait to meet Baby H #3!!! You two were made for this role and we love and support you!

Mark & Ronda Peterman

Sending prayers you meet your goal and are soon adding an addition to your beautiful family! Mark & Ronda

Lisa Winter

We heard about your story from Ellen Hitchcock and wanted to help with this journey. God bless your family for adopting this precious child.

Holly & Blake Montie

It’s been on both of our hearts to support you in your adoption journey. There’s no better ministry than helping a child for their whole life. We love you guys and continually pray for a match.

Stacy Cunningham-Spickes

Love you guys and love that you've put this dream into motion! Can't wait to meet new Baby H! Big hugs! :)

Joe Fulcher

So proud of y’all! Can’t wait!