Ryan and Marcia 362242
Dear Expectant Parent(s),
We're so happy you're taking a moment to get to know our family, made up of Ryan, Marcia and our daughter, Mia. From the beginning of our marriage, we've been drawn to adoption as the way to grow our family and were incredibly blessed to become parents through adoption 6 years ago. Now we're ready for our adoption journey to continue yet again. Thanks for using this profile as a first step in getting to know us.
We’re all at a turning point where life has taken a twist we didn’t initially expect. It’s not necessarily good or bad, just different than we expected. You are pregnant and wondering what to do, we are unable to have children biologically and would love to grow our family. Your decisions may bring our paths together or maybe not. But whatever happens, we’re praying for your life, that you’ll be lead from this turning point to an amazing journey, too.
We met while working at a small airport, while we each earned our private pilots licenses. On the day we met, Marcia wrote in her journal that meeting Ryan felt very important and as we worked together over the next year and then started dating, we became inseparable. We laughed all the time together, and were married on a sunny day, with a sweet, small wedding in the woods behind Marcia's parents' house under a canopy of trees.
When we met, we both grew to understand love in an even more amazing way. Our love for each other grows more every single day, and after 16 years of marriage, we’re still best friends. When we decided to adopt, it was with excitement at getting to be parents together, getting to share in the joy of guiding a person through the wonderful journey of life.
When we bring our next child home, our plan is for Marcia to continue working as a business manager at a large airline and for Ryan to care for our children at home. We live in a safe, family-centered neighborhood with pools, parks, and a lake in the middle. At Halloween, children and families walk in between the homes on the lit sidewalks, laughing with excitement. At Christmas, homes are decorated with lights and trees in the windows.
We’re members of a neat church where adoption is common – even our lead pastor is adopted! Just about every type of adoptive family exists there: domestic and international adoptions, bi-racial adoptions, and foster families. Our hope is that this community will help our children to never feel awkward or different as an adopted person. We hope they will have adopted friends to grow up with who will understand our family in a way non-adopted children might not be able to.
We both enjoy traveling. We plan to continue our joy of traveling with our growing family. We love to be outside together, hiking in the mountains and by rivers, vacationing at the beach, and visiting theme parks in Florida. We believe life is short and should be fun, exciting and full of joy. There have been less-fun times, too, but we always work through problems together, finding a way to make decisions that are best for our marriage and family.
As we transition into these new and unexpected parts of our lives, please know we care about you and your difficult decisions. We understand these points in life aren’t easy but we do care and are willing to help.
Marcia and Ryan
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