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Domestic Adoption

Dear Birthmother,

As you are viewing our profile, we know you are facing a significant and selfless decision.
We know that it is not without a deep love and care for your child that you would be considering an adoption plan. We know that this is a remarkably difficult decision to make and you are incredibly brave. We feel honored that you are considering us for your child by viewing our profile today. Since we are unable to have biological children of our own, we feel that God has directed our paths to expand our family through adoption. We continue to pray and think that we will be a good fit for adoption as we are both school teachers and experience the daily joys of caring for and teaching children with a variety of unique needs. While we have had many struggles on our journey to becoming parents we feel that the Lord has led us down the path to adoption. We have nieces and a nephew whom we adore and enjoy spending time with, and we still have much love left to give to our future child(ren). We plan to have an open- adoption and will be willing to discuss your desired level of openness should you see us a potential match. We hope to share a connected bond over the child that connects us at heart and welcome you as part of our family through the bond that we share in adoption. We hope that you have a successful pregnancy journey and should you choose us as the parents for your baby we will support you in every way that we can. We appreciate you taking the time to get to know us better and look forward to hearing from you should we be a potential match.

We have now been together for almost 6 years and married for 3 years. Our marriage is strong because we have faced many challenges during our first three years of marriage, including the start of our careers, the pandemic, death and sickness of family members, moving homes, and infertility. These many challenges have also come to strengthen our marriage and help us to love each other through all of the good times and the challenging ones. We are closely connected because of our shared family values, Christian backgrounds and our love for educating children. We live
on a family farm with much room to run and play. We currently have one dog, and we enjoy getting together with each of our families at least once a week. We have good fun, games, and laughter when we get together. We are very involved
in our church and help lead our youth group and children’s church.

Our Promises to you:

  • We promise to give your child a positive upbringing and reflect christian values.
  • Your child will be welcomed with open arms into our family and extended family who will love them unconditionally.
  • We will devote ourselves to showering your child with love, affection, and an opportunity to education.
  • We will find joy in all that life brings and we will teach them to do the same.
  • We will provide support and encouragement for them throughout all of lives endeavors.

Best Regards, Nathan & Anna Smith

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