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Domestic Adoption

Dear expectant parent,  Hello! We are Micah and Achelle along with our three amazing children Jackson, Jeremiah, and Sofia. As you consider adoption for yourself and your baby, we recognize the weight of your decision and the emotions that are involved. Being parents of both biological and adopted children, we see the incredible amount of strength and courage you have, regardless of what decision you come to. We are here to support you in that decision no matter what and are praying that you will be filled with peace.

Adoption has been close to our hearts from the beginning of our relationship, long before we knew how difficult having biological children would be for us. We both love children and hope to add another child to our home and family. We have been blessed by the gift of adoption twice and are excited to be on another adoption journey. If you choose to place your child in our family, we want to assure you that your child will be cherished, loved, and joyously welcomed into our forever family. You also, as a birth parent, are forever part of our family and we will be proud to welcome you into it. We are open to any level of contact you are comfortable with and will respect you in that decision. Your child will always know of their first family and the immense love you have for them.

We pray that you will be filled with peace as you make a decision for yourself and your baby’s future. We look forward to the possibility of meeting you and getting to know you! With love, Micah & Achelle

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”  - Jesus, Matthew 11:28

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  1. The most wonderful time of the year... Christmas!

  2. Here is our Fall update! Can't believe it's almost 2025!

  3. Check out what our family was up to this Summer!