Colton & Alex 2094478
Dear Expectant Mother/Parents,
We are Colton and Alex and we live in beautiful Colorado. We have an adorable miniature labradoodle named Betsy and recently added six chickens into the mix, which has been a lot of fun. Thank you so much for your willingness to read this letter as you consider next steps for you and your child.
After struggling with infertility for the past several years, we have made the decision to pursue adoption. However, we don't view adoption as a "back-up plan". Adoption was God's gracious Plan A for his children, and we are thankful that He has modeled what adoption looks like. We cannot imagine the thoughts and emotions you are processing as you consider what next steps to take with your precious child. We are praying for you and your child as you navigate this hard circumstance.
We met through our church community at a small group for college students. We were married a year and a half later in January of 2015. We did pre-marital counseling and that has continued to serve us well, as well as having a strong community around us. We have Alex’s parents only 30 minutes away and Colton’s parents, brother, sister-in-law, and their four children an hour away. We are also part of a church small group that Colton co-leads with a close friend. Our small group is a tight-knit group of folks with very different personalities, interests, and temperaments, but all united by the blood of Christ. They have been praying faithfully for us in our struggle with infertility and they are now some of our biggest supporters as we pursue adoption.
Though we've enjoyed being an aunt and uncle to our nieces and nephew and the children in our small group, we've longed to have children to call our own and shower with love and grace and delight. There is a quiet emptiness in our home that is just waiting to be filled with the noise and joy of the blessing of children. Our children will know without a doubt that we love them and that God loves them. They will also know that you placed them for adoption as an act of love – adoption will never be a taboo topic in our home. They will know a life filled with grandparents who light up when they see their face, cousins who are thrilled to hold them and play with them, and a church family who will rejoice and praise the Lord when they see this precious little one.
We hope this gave you a glimpse into what you could expect life for your little one to look like if you choose us as your child's adoptive parents. If you have any questions, we would love to hear from you. And please know that if you contact us, you will be met with warmth and no expectations - we know there is a lot you are trying to process all at once.
Colton & Alex