Arnold's, party of... SIX!!!!


Four years ago we were certain that we only wanted two children; but you know what they say, "Make plans and God laughs."
After our surprise third pregnancy, God began to work on our hearts that maybe we were meant to have the bigger family we had decided against. And then God began to warm our hearts to adoption...

With so many children around the world needing a home (140 MILLION worldwide), and recently being blessed with our new country homestead, we know we have been blessed to bless others.
For months I (Megan) have felt like a child was missing. I would count heads, and even when everyone was there, felt like I had missed counting someone. There is a hole in our heart and an empty seat at our table.

And then there's the matter of Leah (our 5yr old daughter), who has been praying for a sister for as long as she's had two brothers. With faith like a child she has been praying in certainty that God is sending her a baby sister from India.

Reid was the slowest to warm, and now the most certain that this is God's plan for our family. We find ourselves laying in bed at night ,daydreaming about our daughter, praying for her, wondering how she'll mold into our family, and being so excited to bring her home.

We have stepped out in MASSIVE FAITH, knowing that an India adoption could come at the cost of $35,000+, but knowing that God's people will join us to fill in the financial gaps and help us bring our daughter home, Even early on we have already seen God begin to move in mighty ways, and can't wait to share with you how God shows His faithfulness through His people.
Thank you in advance for your prayers and for what you feel led to give to bless a child in need of a family.

WE LOVE YOU and are thankful for you!
In His Grip,
Reid, Megan, Andrew, Leah and Seth Arnold