Noteboom Family goes to Liberia

We have been married almost 4 years now, and have been actively trying to have a family for 3 of them. We have gone through some fertility treatments, and while we were going through them, we continued to feel God call us towards adoption. Once our third round of treatment failed, we both strongly felt that having biological children is not God's plan for us. As we began researching adoption, we were very much drawn towards international adoption. We felt that the children in the orphanages around the world are in a some of the most desperate situations, and we felt called to help change that for at least one child. We began researching different countries, and we came to an all-stop at Liberia. It seemed like God had chosen this country for us, because we both instantly got such a sense of peace. We know that our child/children are in Liberia, and we can't wait to meet him/her/them!