Ty and I were married in 2015. This was Ty’s second marriage and my first. We knew that conceiving a child would be difficult as Ty has three adopted sons from his first marriage who at that time were 11, 10, and 8. However, I was still not without hope of being able to conceive and bear a child because after all, God bringing us together was a miracle, He could answer anything. It was not until a few years ago that I also learned that I was contributing to our infertility issues.
Each month would come and go without pregnancy. There were months that my hopes would rise and then be dashed. In the summer of 2017, there was a sermon series preached at church about superheroes. One of the messages that was given came from a man who he and his wife have fostered/adopted several children. That superhero message was about how foster and adoptive parents are superheroes to children who need loving families and how all of us were adopted into God’s family. During that message, I began feeling God stirring in my heart to consider the path of foster care or adoption. We discussed this option and even attended the small group at our church for foster and adoptive families. However, we were not in a place financially or personally to begin the process.
Once again this past year I felt God prompting me to investigate adoption again. After our discussions, we agreed to pursue the adoption process and not stand in the way of where God is calling us during this next season. After much discernment and investigation into different adoption platforms, we surprisingly landed on embryo adoption.