I thought my dreams of having another child were forever shattered when I went through my divorce! I had longed for another child for years, and had tried in vitro fertilization while I was married, with no success. Emily expressed that she wanted a sibling, and as an only child myself, I wanted a bigger family for her life experience. But, as I started my family later in life and as a single mother, I was convinced that adoption was nearly impossible (after inquiring with domestic adoption agencies) and that I had somehow missed out on the opportunity for more children. Moreover, I thought God had placed this longing in my heart, but was not going to fulfill it.
Then, I met a patient who told me she had adopted a child from Khazakstan as a single mother. I inquired about Khazakstan adoptions and was led to Nightlight Christian Adoptions in Loveland, Colorado. Kate, from Nightlight, said that Khazakstan had recently closed adoptions to single moms, but Kyrgystan was still open. She encouraged me to do my research and meet with her. After meeting with her, I started my homestudy process, completing it the following year. During that time, I flippantly signed up for Eharmony out of complete curiosity, and not expecting to truly meet "The One". I had a few nice dates, and some nice meals. Then, I met Todd! He was completely different than the men I had dated: reserved, courteous, and filled with the Holy Spirit!
I told him early in the dating process about my dreams and intentions to expand my family. As he had adult children, I wanted to give him an exit strategy, as I was convinced he would not be interested in the whole adoption thing. I even told him, "This train is on the adoption track. You are welcome to jump off, or stay on, but this train is leaving the station." Ha! Boy was I wrong! He promptly retorted, "Well, I guess I'm getting on the train with you!"
What a blessing he has been for me and Emily! He has not only opened his heart to me and Emily, but he has joined our homestudy for our Kyrgystan adoption. Moreover, he has proposed to us, asking us to join his family! We are currently planning our wedding for July 3, 2017! So, now WE are adopting! We are so excited and are asking those who would like to give a wedding gift, to consider contributing to our adoption fund.
I remain continually amazed at God's blessings and provisions, even when I have been convinced there is no way! He has brought this amazing man into our lives, who is supportive of this adoption dream and who desires to participate in this miraculous journey. We look forward to seeing how He brings these desires to fruition, and can't wait to celebrate our joy of being a forever family to our adopted child with friends and family!