Bringing Altynai Home

Every Superhero needs a sidekick, and Super-Samuel is no exception! Since Samuel came home to Michigan from Hong Kong over a year ago, it has been clear that Samuel is a "people-person"! He loves playing with other kids, and longs for a play-mate at home. John and I began to look into options for our second child even before Samuel got to his "one year home" mile mark! We knew our family wasn't complete yet, but just were not sure how it would grow? We were open to it all...embryo adoption again? domestic infant? international? China (restrictions have lessened this year!), Hong Kong again (wouldn't that be fun for Samuel?!), or... As we looked and prayed, all options seemed great to Stephanie, but John just didn't jump at any or feel that the time was right, yet. Until...we were looking at the waiting kids in Hong Kong one day, and noticed all these cuties waiting in "Central Asia". Curious, Stephanie looked it up. Kyrgyzstan had opened an adoption program up only one year ago! One little girl caught our eye. We asked, we got some information....and THAT WAS ALL IT TOOK TO KNOW! John and Stephanie were finally on the same page. Little Altynai is one year younger than Samuel, precious, with some special needs, and a sweet smile on her round face. So here we go again...hoping to bring this sweet little girl home within one year!

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  1. Congratulations!

    My husband and I had been contemplating embryo adoption but reassessed our financial situation in light of our college debt and the costs of embryo adoption and decided we better pay down our debt before we move forward. What was your experience of embryo adoption?