We're off...Like a heard of Turtles!
Darcy and Ian
Arvada, Colorado
We started this journey nearly five years ago, but it was put on hold when we welcomed a sweet and silly little boy into our lives through the foster care system. We have built a strong relationship with his birth mother and we now share custody with her. This relationship has taught us so much about ourselves, the amazing people around us and about how big God's plans can be! Now, we are ready to continue the adoption process and are excited to expand our family even more with the addition of a new little one.
Over the last few years, we have slowly but surely made progress through all the necessary steps to prepare for adoption. Financially, we are about 80% of the way towards our goal and are planning on a couple fundraisers to get us the rest of the way. We would love for you to join us for either fundraiser (please contact Ian or Darcy for details), but wanted to offer this site as a tax deductible option as well. We can't thank our friends and family enough for all the support along the way, we wouldn't be nearing the end of this journey without you!
0 Family Updates
Tiffany Nielsen
I love you both so much! You are wonderful parents already and I pray this happens quickly and smoothly for you ❤️
Sheri Hutson
Wanda Richman
I’m very happy for you guys. I can’t join you at the pancake fundraiser due up a prior commitment but I’m happy to contribute. God bless you all for having such loving hearts and open arms.
Josh & Trista Miller
We love you both and pray this journey is smooth and quick. You are amazing parents and we can't wait for you to have another addition to your beautiful family.
Jackie Houlden
We will keep your family in our prayers as you continue on your adoption journey. Keep us updated on any new developments. Jackie & Trent
Clara Sitter
Best wishes to your lovely family.
Jane McMillen
Wilt has been our friend since college. We are excited for your family.
Cindy Lundy
Hi Darcy! I pray you and your husband fulfill your dreams of adopting! It was great getting to know you on the PR trip. I saw your loving heart come glowing through when you talked about adoption! Some little person is going to be so blessed to call you Mommy! With Love, Cindy
Jennufer McCAskill
Sending hugs and love to your lik family!
Eric and Sarah
Kristin Lacaria
So excited for you Darcy, and praying for you and your family as you wait for the perfect, God ordained placement. Love you!!!
Dana Hornback
Gary and Vicki Thompson
Praying that this dream comes true for your family!
Sue Pawlowski
Opening your hearts and home to a child is life changing.We wish you a happy ending to your adoption journey! Sue and Tom Pawlowski
Donna Chrislip
Very happy to be able to help make this happen for you!
Barry & Tricia Hiatt
Praying for your sweet little Blessing! Love, Tricia & Barry
Dana Barnes
I am so excited for you to add another child to your family. You 2 are fantastic parents and this new baby will be very blessed to call you mommie and daddy. I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it to the fundraisers, but still wanted to support your adoption.
Kelly Becker
Best of luck! I’ll be hoping for the best family fit possible.