Together We Will Bring Ivana Home!
Alyson and Tom
Battle Creek, MI
It was mid-February of 2022 and I received an email from an adoption agency contact that I had worked with several years ago. She remembered that I was Bulgarian and reached out because their agency had several older Bulgarian children needing families. Would I consider adoption?
Out of curiosity I clicked on the link in the email and the first picture that popped up was the picture of Ivana. It was one of those moments that you are not expecting – a kaboom moment – when you know everything in your life just changed.
I was immediately drawn to her – she even looked like our daughter – and when I read her profile there was no other option for me except to ask my husband Tom if he would consider adoption. We talked that evening and he reviewed her profile and picture. Within 24 hours we had contacted the two adoption agencies necessary to begin our adoption journey.
We have a new appreciation for all the work and effort adoptive parents go through to bring a child into their family. With the help of many people – two agencies – one for our home study and one for the international adoption - social workers, financial consultants, family and friends, and even co-workers and notaries – we have finalized our dossier and are waiting for news of when we can travel to meet Ivana.
Since we were not anticipating the expense of either adoption or a seventh child – we are asking for financial assistance to bring her home. She needs everything! Her room needs to be made ready, she needs clothes, bedding, school supplies, her own activities and supplies for her hobbies (she loves to draw), toiletries, make-up - the list goes on and on. The biggest expense besides the adoption for us will be her college education and we have just a few short years to save enough for her to achieve her goal of higher education. She wants to be a doctor or a veterinarian.
We are fully invested in this beautiful young lady and although it won’t be easy, it will be worth it! We know that with the love and support of our entire family she will continue to grow and develop. She will have the ability to fulfill all her goals and dreams, whatever they may be. In her video she admits that this will be hard for her – but it’s not turning her life upside-down - it is a new beginning. We are excited to be part of her story and her future. Thank you in advance for your consideration and support. It means a lot to all of us!
1 Family Update
Eryn English
I can't wait to meet her and spend time with her!
Hanna Beard
Gloria Norrie
With love and support from Ivana’s future grandmother!
Fran Dwire
Barbara Shambach
Wishing you all the best in this endeavor!💕
Karen Jackson
Lenore Edmunds
Alyson, Tom and Ivana, wishing you all the best on this wonderful adventure. Love Lenore
So due to government changes in Bulgaria and the next election on October 2, 2022 we are still waiting for news of when we can travel to meet Ivana. We are desperately hoping to travel before the end of October!