$13,332 goal
$2,395 raised so far
18% raised
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We are excited to be on the adoption journey and have so appreciated the many prayers and much support from you all. This is the greatest gift you can give us and the little one God already knows will join our family!

We also realize that sometimes through the financial gifts of others God can give us a greater vision of the community He has placed us in--and that we will need as we parent this child. If you would like to join us in this way as well, we are humbled by your generosity and even more thankful for your commitment to pray with and for Baby Yamada, the mother of this child, and us during these days of waiting and the days of change ahead. 

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for loving us and walking with us in this journey!

Jessica Collins

Samantha Nobles shared your adoption page with us. We attend CHBC and are always so thrilled to see families pursue adoption. We will be praying for you as you seek to adopt a child and fold he or she into your home.

Michelle Olson

Matthew Lawson

So excited for you all!

Matthew Merker

Rosamond Xiang

Dear Richard and Rebekah: thanks for being a sweet blessing to all of us, and for involving us in growing your own family. I look forward to meeting Baby Y one day!


Nathan Harms

Hey Rebekah, I've really enjoyed serving in child care with you. I've learned a lot from your example and I'm excited to see you parent one of your own. You're going to be a great mom!

Richard Lim

Rebecca Thomas

We love you and are praying for you all on this journey. xoxoxo The Thomases

Carly Wortham

Mary Schwarz

Sam & Dan Nobles

We love you guys and are so thankful to be walking in this journey with you!


We are honored to walk alongside you in this adoption journey and are excited to welcome Baby Yamada to your family! ~ Love and blessings from the Hedman family

Coover Family

So excited for you and praying for you!


Ashley Nezhad

We are so excited for you guys and are praying for you on this journey!

Natalie Yeo

Team Warmka

David Mills

Brenda OConnor

Carina Kuehne

Jacob Vawter

Happy for you and praying for God's blessing!

Rachel Powell

Sarah Chen

Angela Lingg

Nika Ankou

Marco Sylvester

Mae Stacy

We love you guys and are so excited about your future family.

Eric & Li Beach

Thankful for your friendship. Excited to meet Baby Yamada one day! Thank you for including us in your journey.

Renée Roig

Janice Graham


Richard and Rebecca, I pray that Lord grows your faith through this process and blesses you with a child to disciple in His ways. Love, Cathy Graham

Samuel Lam

Aaron & Lindsay McCollum

Kelly Miller

Katie & Riley Barnes