The Ostwalds
It broke our heart to discover that 75% of orphans are boys. With 3 biological sons we couldn't stand the thought. We love having boys! They are loud & smelly & constantly wrestling with each other or racing! Boys eat almost everything in their path (which makes cooking for them so much fun!!) They can be amazing friends as well as world changers. Adopting into our family won't make a very big dent in the orphan crisis, we realize, but it will make a difference to the ones we bring home.
We are so excited to be adding to our current "three ring circus"! ALL of the funds donated will be used for the adoption costs of these amazing kiddos! Our home-study is completed & we are approved for a sibling group of up to 4 from the little country of Bulgaria. So it's about to get crazy!
Thank you so much for prayers and any donation you can give! It is so very much appreciated!
Love, the Ostwalds