The Free Family Adoption
Krista and Kaleb
Colorado City, Texas
Will you be a piece of the puzzle?
If you look at a pile of 500 small jig saw puzzle pieces dumped out of a box, it’s hard to imagine what the finished product is going to look like. All we can see are hundreds of different sizes and shapes. Honestly, they look like nothing more than a complete mess that’s overwhelming to look at and challenging to sort through.
Sometimes adoption feels like the pile of mixed up puzzle pieces–pieces that we know are supposed to create some masterpiece. We know each piece has its place of where its meant to be but Only God knows what the completed masterpiece is to look like. Only He can place us in the perfect and proper spot in His work of art. He created this baby in His own image. Our baby is His masterpiece and this journey His work of perfection. We can be confident that He will not leave us out of His puzzle. He’s begun a work in each one of us, we are each uniquely made, with patience, persistence, hard work and time, and when each piece of the puzzle is in its own unique and proper place, the masterpiece will be revealed.
Its been close to a year that we announced we were adopting and we are still working towards raising all the funds needed for the adoption. We have purchased a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle that also has Ephesians 5:10 on it. For $10 a piece, you can be a part of our puzzle.
Each purchased piece will have your name written on it.
When each piece is completed, the puzzle will hang framed in the nursery.
A daily reminder of God’s Word, His Faithfulness and that our baby is God’s masterpiece.
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Brittany Moss
Teryn Gonzalez
So happy to be a piece of this puzzle! Praying many blessings over your sweet family!
Chelsea Neff
Best wishes in y’all’s beautiful journey towards adoption! ❤️
Cody Jolley
We are so excited for your family!