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 We, Devon & I, started this journey In September. We have been in a patchwork quilt of Joy, Elation, Disaplontment, and often moments of sorrow. See, we were chosen to have a Fictive Kin Placement. It is emotional chaos when you love a child so deeply, and you prepare for him for months, and the “system” fails. He is now 5 months old, and we have not since had any communication from the case workers. I have been praying fervently for weeks for guidance, wisdom, and patience. So, God told me to get up, to get moving, and that I was going to have to take on my pride, and ask for help, both financially and prayerfully. God has shown me that if I cannot learn to ask for help, that I will suffer emotionally. We have to exhausted every avenue while practicing humility.,grace, and the belief that we are worthy of being parents 

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