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$745 raised so far
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Thanks for visiting our adoption page.  

Who are we? 

We are Chad and Angela and we met during college and have been married for 18 years. God has richly blessed us with four biological children and although we never felt "called" to pursue adoption through an agency or through foster care, we have always said that if God "dropped someone in our lap" we would definitely adopt. We had no idea that it would actually happen!

We currently live in Colorado where Chad works in higher education and Angela takes care of the home and family full-time. We have homeschooled our children since the beginning (our oldest just started 10th grade!) Our family loves music, riding bikes, going on walks and hikes together, playing games, and gathering family and friends together.

Our Adoption Story

In December of 2022, we were contacted by a friend who knew of a 3 year old little girl who was in need of a family. Knowing our personalities, our faith and our family values, she thought we would be a good match and wanted to know if we would pray about adopting. Over the last 9 months, we have grown to know this precious little girl and her grandma, who has been caring for her for a large portion of her life. We have grown to love one another and are overwhelmed, honored and humbled to be able to bring our 4th daughter into our family forever. She will be blessed with 3 older sisters, 1 older brother, and two parents who still can't believe God has given them the unexpected blessing of loving her.

Why are we adopting?

"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.'” Matthew 19:14 

God has a special place in His heart for the fatherless and the orphan and the greatest thing we can do in this life is have His heart toward all things. There is nothing else, nothing better than knowing Him and following His ways. Through prayer together, we believe adoption is God's plan for our family.

What now? 

First, please join us in prayer. We are trusting God to use us, with all of our flaws and imperfections, to provide, protect and nurture our children. We are also trusting God to bind the hearts of all of our children together for a lifetime of love and comittment to one another. Second, we encourage you to share our story and adoption journey with others. Third, consider donating to our adoption costs. We know that not everyone is able or is called to donate financially, but we appreciate your commitment to help in other ways.



Jade Pitchford

Karen Lovelady

Welcome to the family sweet girl!

Tim & Molly Lancelot

No written word, no spoken plea; Can teach our youth, what they should be; Nor all the books, on all the shelves; Its what the teachers are themselves.

Shirley Garcia

I was touched by Chad & Angela’s story and felt in my heart Beth’s granddaughter would be happy in their family. A Christian home & faith is very important to a young child and I trust Beth’s wisdom was in the best interest for her. I pray the adoption will go smoothly and God bless you both for welcoming her into your lives!

Andrea Cross

So excited to have that sweet girl apart of our family! Love y’all!

Saundra Moore

I love this family. Their willingness to raise a child that God brought to them is an inspiration. This sweet child will know she is loved and best of all will be raise in the Lord.


Aly Curtis

Blessing to you all! Praying for your journey.

Martha Verhaar

This is just wonderful. God bless you ❤️

Sherri Moore