$13,332 goal
$800 raised so far
6% raised
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Who are we?

We grew up just 25 minutes apart, but didn't meet until our freshman year of college in another state. After a year of friendship, we took the next step into dating and the rest is history. We married in 2010 after graduation and moved to Kyle's hometown in East Texas. You’ll often find us spending time outdoors hiking or kayaking, cooking together, playing board games, or watching a good movie, and enjoying quality time with friends and family. 

Why are we adopting?

The last few years we have faced a few heart aches, such as infertility, which is what paved the pathway to adoption. We wouldn't trade those prior days and hardships for anything because they’ve come to shape our understanding of love, joy, and peace. We have hope because God uses every trial, triumph & waiting room in our lives to form a story that declares His goodness to the world. This season of our lives reminds us that He is the prize & our future child is simply the bonus blessing that will point us back to Him. So we have made Psalm 66:16 the banner of our adoption journey: “Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul.”

Why does your support matter?

As we continue to learn what adoption into God’s family looks like, we increase in appreciation for what Christ accomplished on our behalf. Becoming His children is not based on our own merit or strength, but solely Christ’s. Domestic infant adoption is much the same, we cannot accomplish this God-sized calling without Him and the help of His people. We have already begun a scrapbook recounting all of the people who have supported us through prayer, love, and finances on this journey to our child. We cannot wait to tell our child someday about all of the people who believed in them before they were formed in the womb. 

Kyle + Alyssa

Karen and Kirby Bozeman

We love you and are praying for you through your journey!

Rebecca Dokter

Hello, You don't know us but my husband and I have experienced infertility as well. We feel a desire to give financially to those looking to adopt a child. As the Lord calls us to take care of the orphans and there are many children in need of a family within the US. May the Lord continue to guide, lead, and direct you in life. Derek and Rebecca

Makenzie Kingsley


Y'all will be the sweetest parents! Praying for you both through all of this.