$33,330 goal
$8,770 raised so far
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Update: We have been matched!  We are adopting a baby girl due to be born in October! 

We are the Manning Family; Joey, Lori and 2 year old Vanessa.

Thank you for taking the time to read our story.

We got married in 2019. After trying to conceive, Lori was diagnosed with endometrial cancer, a cancer that less than 2% of women who have not gone through menopause have and is extremely painful. We were devastated. After a long, hard road, Lori is now healthy and cancer free.

We adopted our beautiful daughter Vanessa in 2022. She is the light of our life and we feel so honored that we were chosen to be her parents. We are blessed to have a great relationship with Vanessa's birth family. Vanessa is such a loving little girl and will be an amazing big sister.

Thank you for the love and support as we start this journey.

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Christian Dixon

Love yall so much.

Carol Santos

So excited to help with your new journey. Wish it could be more. Love, Carol

Autumn, Gabe, Athena & Logan Snow

love ya guys!

Sam Maida

So glad to help in such a worthy and life giving goal.

Paul Tate

Blessings from the Tates!

Meg Norwood

We are praying for your family during this exciting time!

Val Wallace-Camp

William and Carol Yin

Best wishes to you as you make plans for a new little one!

Alicia Hernandez

Michael and I are honored to donate to your adoption journey!


Sheila Williams

My prayers are with you and all your family as you wait to meet another newborn.

Mollie Brent

Love Brent & Mollie


May this small gift be a blessing to your journey, and lead to a new chapter full of sweetness, warmth, answered prayers, enveloped in love.

Shelli Chinlund

God Bless you and your adoption journey! 💕

Sylvia and Jeb Brantley

Steve and Paula Cowart

Laine Olesen

So happy for you guys & your growing family! Praying for you through this journey!

Kristi Beer

So happy for you all!

Ryan & Sarah Canterbury

Congratulations! So happy for your family.

Alis & Dale Albritton

So excited that Vanessa is getting a baby sister!💗 Congratulations!

Sarit Snyder

I look forward to seeing your beautiful family grow! Much love, Sarit

Lindsay Plantholt

Lori and Joey, best wishes in your second adoption journey bringing home a sibling for Vanessa. ❤️

Alex Davis

Love you sis!

Kerry Boomsliter

Congrats Joey & Lori Love Kerry and Misti

May Wingate

Congratulations on Baby#2.

Laiken Miller

So excited for you guys!

Craig Nourie

Wishing the Manning family all the best Always ❤️ Congratulations to you all 🥂 From the Nourie Family

Dave and Vicki Inouye

So excited for you!

Mary Blake Williams

We are thrilled you got a match! This donation is on behalf of Shoreline Title.

Chris Stannard

With love from Chris and Janessa.

Don and Dawn Howell

Donita BridgesHarrell

Beth Madrigal

We love you all so much and look forward to the day you bring your new baby girl home!

Amy Davis
