$9,999 goal
$6,400 raised so far
64% raised
58 days to go
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Thanks for visiting our adoption page.  

Who are we? 

We are Patrick and Stephanie and we met in college at the University of Georgia and got married in the classic city of Athens. God has blessed us with two energetic and enthusiastic sons who love exploring and using their imaginations. We currently live in the metro Atlanta area and we both work in the medical/dental fields. Our family loves all things sports, playing board games, and gathering people together.

Why are we adopting?

Because God is calling our family to adopt. Adoption has always been on Stephanie’s heart. God led her to work at a crisis maternity home in college where her heart softened towards birth moms in situations that are unimaginable. She then had the opportunity to serve in an orphanage in Zambia and her heart broke for the orphans. After getting married and having two biological kids of our own, we both know God is not quite done growing our family and are excited to give our family to a child who needs a home. We both feel passionately about teaching the next generation to “love God and love others.” We believe adoption is another way to do that. 

What now? 

First, we ask that you join us through prayer. God has given us direct communication with Him through prayer and we firmly believe in the power of prayer. Second, we encourage you to share our story and adoption journey with others. Third, consider donating to our adoption costs. We know that not everyone is able or is called to donate financially but we appreciate your commitment to help in other ways. 


  1. 12/23/23
    We're approved! Our home study is complete and we now join the list of waiting families ready to be shown to birth mothers. Praise the Lord! Please pray for our future child and the birth mother. Thank you!

  2. 8/29/23
    We are blown away by our first fundraiser! Thank you to our friends and family near and far for supporting our family through this adoption process.

    Home study visits starting this month! Paperwork is done and face to face interviews are next.

    We started making our adoption profile book today. This includes photos and texts in the photo book to be presented to birth mothers. It's been really cool to sit down and think about all the friends and family that make up our world. We are so grateful for each of you. We have been going through old pictures to put in the photo book so that has produced a lot of laughter.

    Our third and final home study visit is done! Our photo book gets delivered this week. We have about 2-4 weeks for things to process and then it will be official...we can't wait to be approved and waiting. Thank you for the prayers!

  3. 7/1/23
    We are in the orientation and education phase of our journey. We both are working on 24 hours of education. We are learning so much about the journey of adoption and are trying to equip ourselves well before we bring home a child. We have a list of books to read and are excited to learn! Thanks for praying!

    We have started phase 1 of our home study. This phase has a lot of paperwork with lots of in depth emotional and spiritual assessments. We have to find lots of important documents: birth certificates, marriage certificate, drivers licenses, FBI clearances etc.

    We are in phase 2 of our home study! This includes a whole other set of paperwork: physicals, immunizations, employer verifications, etc. We have quite the list to get together! We are marking it off little by little. Thanks for praying for time management for us!

Paige Woodrow

We love you and are praying for you through this process! You are the hands and feet of Jesus. ❤️

Rachel Hood

Love you guys! So excited for your family!

David Clark

Sending you all our love and support as you embark on the beautiful journey of adopting a baby. Your love and selflessness will make you incredible parents, and we cannot wait to see your family grow. Remember, you are never alone in this journey. We are here for you every step of the way.

Margi Rohde

Supporting you every step of the way! Love, Margi

Barbara Moon

How wonderful! Any child will be blessed to be in your family. Love, Barbara

Shelley Berganske

So excited for this journey!!

Hannah Redd

Love you guys!

Kristi Davis

We can’t wait to see who God adds to your beautiful family!

Katie Haltzman

Megan Flournoy

Susan Carson

I'm excited for your family!!! The baby that you get will be so very loved.

Sarah Walter

Sarah Doolittle

We love y'all and are thankful for you! Praying for you as you trust the Lord and His timing. Love, The Doolittle Family

Adam and Jen Pettigrew

Isaiah 40:31 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

Gloria Darr

We are so excited for all that God has for y’all and your family in this journey. We are praying for this precious one that God is bringing home to you.

Zac and Jeanna Martin

Praising God for your obedience to His call on your lives! The Martins love y’all and look forward to all God has in store for your wonderful family.

Kendra Houghton


Julie Fernstrum

Arthur Vickers

Ada Boitor

ajay Ravi

James E Combee

Congratulations. Love from Becky and Jim Combee

Ben Seals

Zac and Jeanna Martin

Praying for you all and thankful for your obedience to God’s call on your lives!

Nikki McGlamery

Fingers crossed for you , sweet girl!


Praying with you! 💕

Jordan McCool

Love you guys! Can’t wait to meet the precious little one God brings your family.

Karen Cooper

Praying for you both as you go through this incredible journey. Karen and Tom Cooper