Jordan’s Baby Sister Adoption
Bonnie and Justin
Greensboro, North Carolina
Our phone rang, on the line was the adoption agency we used in 2012 with our son, Jordan. The agency informed us that Jordan’s birthmother is expecting a baby girl and she would like us to adopt this baby. Our first reaction, as you can imagine, we were shocked! We were shocked but we also believe that God placed this in our lives at this time for His purposes.
So after praying, we have decided to embark on this adoption journey of Jordan’s baby sister, due April 1st. God is so intentional, He always has a plan. Now 9 years later, we are adopting again-this time the agency reaching out to us. We feel so humbled to be chosen by the same birthmother twice!
Jordan is so excited about being a big brother and meeting his baby sister! They will share the same birthmother(not the same birth father) but no amount of DNA could change our love for either one of them.
In 2012, we had saved funds and planned years in advance. With this surprising adoption news, although we have gone through the adoption process before, this adoption requires that we step out on faith. We are so thankful
that we have the means to provide for a child’s daily needs, but the reality is there is a substantial amount of money needed to bring our daughter, Jordan’s sister home.
Honestly, we have struggled with the thought of asking you to support us, but God works through people for His purposes and glory.
Would you be willing to go on this adoption journey with us?
Whether you feel led to help us financially or through prayers and encouragement.
Please share as you feel led, we will be forever grateful!
With Love,
Justin, Bonnie, Jordan and Baby Sister