Jimmy & Beth Are Adopting!
Beth and Jimmy
Juliette, GA
We had always talked about adopting, but planned to have biological children first. After 5 years of marriage, we felt it was time to start a family. In our attempts to have a biological child, we suffered through 5 miscarriages. These losses brought us closer together, closer to God, and affirmed to us that we are meant to adopt. After we officially started the adoption process, we felt a weight lifted off of our shoulders and know that this is God's plan for our lives. We are beyond excited and can't wait until we meet our little one!
We are pursuing a domestic infant adoption, which means a birthmother facing an unplanned pregnancy will choose us to adopt her child. We can't think of anything more rewarding than adopting a child and giving a birthmother the peace of knowing that her child will be forever fiercely loved and cared for.
Just as God has made it abundantly clear that we are meant to adopt, He has been helping provide a way financially. However, adoptions are expensive and there is a lot of unknown costs that can add up, especially if we end up being matched with a baby in another state. We have set up this page for any of our family and friends who want to donate to help cover our adoption expenses, however, what we ask for most is prayer. Prayer for our birthmother, that she have peace in her decision. Prayer for our child, that they be healthy and always know how very loved they are. And prayer for us, that we be tempered with patience and trust in all that God has in store for us in this journey and that we show our child the same love that God has shown us.
0 Family Updates
Much love. -WP
Michael and Sarah Rivera
I know you two will be the best parents! Love you all.
I just love the gift of adoption. ❤️ God already has all of this journey worked out, and I want to be a small part of it. It is exciting to give and know who the parents will be. I will be praying for you! All three of you...
Donyale Leslie
Joanne White
You are always in my prayers.
Abby Vineyard
Adoption is an amazing thing—I’m excited and hopeful for you!
Michael Kenirey
Beth, I am happy for you and your husband. Adopting my little girl was one of the most fulfilling decisions in my life and I am grateful everyday that god brought her to us. I wish you guys all the best.
Dave/Camilla Reid
We are so glad to hear this news. Praying and knowing the Lord will send you the perfect child for you!
Michael Fogassey
God bless you guys! Much love, Mike and John
Michelle Tumbri
Main God Bless you guys on this journey! You’re going to make the best parents! This baby will be so smart and so loved!
Brittany Reese
I've been inspired by your faith and trust in the waiting. Praying for a special child to join your family soon. - Brittany Reese
Jeremy Timmerman
Adoption is so important! So glad you’re going this route!
Mallori Gattis
Continue to trust God he will always supply all your needs! Hebrews 11:1
Tracy Rigney
I can't wait for my new great-niece or nephew! You are always in my prayers. Love you both, Aunt Tracy
Kiarra Shepard
We’re praying for you all. Love that you all were open and receiving of adoption as an option.
Jennifer Todero
Molly Buck
Psalm 37:4 King James Version Delight thyself in the Lord: and he shall give you the desires of your heart. We are praying for you guys
Jay Bonney
kathi whitt
Our God is an awesome God!!!!! Blessings for to you
Eli Grambling
We love you guys!