Future Phelan Fund
Louis and Clare
Van Nuys, California
Before we got married six years ago, we dreamed of raising children of our own. Needless to say, it came as a sad shock to find out we both have complications and are unable to have children of our own without in vitro fertilization.
Though there are many options available to help us grow our family, we feel the most fitting option for us is the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program. Genetic parents who have completed their families through in vitro fertilization will donate their remaining embryos through the Snowflakes program. After we are matched with a genetic family and we adopt the embryos, Clare would undergo a procedure called frozen embryo transfer (FET) and hopefully become pregnant. It would allow us the chance to help a donating family save an embryo who would not otherwise have a chance for life, as well as give Clare the opportunity to know the experience of carrying a child to term. More information about embryo adoption is available at: http://www.embryoadoption.org/.
Like many couples in our position know, it becomes yet more daunting to realize all the options available to us come with a hefty price tag (with good reason). Though the Snowflakes program is not the most expensive path, it’s still a substantial investment, and we are asking for your support in that department. Every little bit helps. Every little bit is a blessing. Please help us realize our dream of raising children and consider us in your donation plans this year.
Steve & Clare Phelan
10 Family Updates
Tom and Kathy Phelan
Love ya kids!
Pam Mangan
Y'all are going to be amazing parents!!! Xoxoxoxo
Cody Asher
To two wonderful people that have been apart of my life. My hope is that you will be the happiest sharing the world with someone new to this world.
Roya Vakili
I can't imagine two people who would make better parents than you both!!! Love you!
Katie McGinley
Sending all my love your way. xoxo
David Rosenberg
I'm only doing this so that when you get a human baby I can take on custody of your furbabies! Wishing you both the best, Rosie PS. In Judaism, the number 18 spells out in Hebrew letter to Chai, or life. It's a customary gift amount for celebrations, so it seemed appropriate here.
Shelli Brady
I have always known you would be strong, kind, loving, wonderful parents. I can't wait to watch your parenthood journey! Love to you both! Shelli Brady
Gernez Owens
Mary & Justin Horner
We're so excited for your growing family!! You two are going to be such amazing, loving parents.
Meredith (Walker) Kurtzweil
Clare- I am so sorry you are going through this. I did IVF with all of my children. It was a challenging time but also one that made me a mother. I wish you all the best!
God Bless you both on this amazing journey!!!
Molly Mattingly
I love you guys :)
Ashley Schaffner
I know you two will make AMAZING parents!!!! Hope this little bit helps that happen sooner than later ❤️
I happened to come across your page after a friend posted the link on Facebook. I was very moved by your story and even though I don't know you, I work with children and I know how special they are. I wish you both the best of luck. I'm sure you'll make incredible parents.
Elizabeth Jeffrey
Dibs on tow nibbles and chin wiggles.
Carl & Gloria Luff
We love you guys to the moon and back ❤️
Donna Abear
I can't think of two more loving individuals to bring up a child. One of my sons and his wife are facing a similar issue, and I hope the universe will bless them as well. Much love and hope to you both!
Dani Nicole
Gloria (Mom Mom) LaNoce
Wish you the best! Love, Mom Mom
Bob and MB Helgens
You two will be AWESOME parents,,,we will hold your intention in our hearts and in our prayers!
Theresa Robinson
Wishing you the very best on starting an addition to your family.
Megan Divito
This is amazing. God bless you both, and your future little one. I can't wait to hear the updates as they happen! Much love and prayers!!
Brian Frey
I can't imagine any couple better equipped to love and raise a child than you. All my love, Brian
Sending prayers and big hugs to you in your amazing journey. of starting your family ... God Bless !!
Sylvette Ortiz
May God grant you this wish. xo
Robert Stuvland
Michael & Jeannine Phelan
You will be amazing parents!! We love you tons. Mike and Jeannine
Susan Wooldridge
Blessed to be a small part of this wonderful event!
Kylie and Derrick Alger
Stevie & ClareBear- You guys are going to be PHabulous parents! Sending good thoughts, prayers and lots of love your way! Love you guys! Kylie and Derrick “Making the decision to have a child - it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ” ― Elizabeth Stone
Kimberly and James Torres
Gaynor Osborn
From one who knows.... Wishing you the blessing of a little one.
JP Helgens
Virginia Ann LaNoce
You two deserve happiness!!! I am happy to make this contribution to your bundle of joy fund!!! Love you both
Paul&kathy Phelan
We love you!
Hey Steve + Clare. Love you guys. Sorry I couldn’t do more. I would love to see you start a family as you desire. best, Jude.
Hayley Schmidtke (Gorman)
So excited for you two!
Rachel Palkoner
What an incredible journey! Best wishes to you and your growing family!!!
Ann Vu
Bethany Cole
Rick and Virginia Jeffries
We love you guys and hope nothing but the best!!
Noelle Barkes
We love you!
Gary Hutchcraft
Mel and I wish you love on this great journey!
Gregory & Stefania Earls
Way to get after it! Proud of you guys. I wish I could contribute more!
Betsey Snopel
Blessings & love!
Katherine Schlac
You guys are going to be the best parents. Can't think of a more loving, nurturing family for a baby to come home to! Xoxo - Katie
Ashley and Amy Hutchcraft
We love you both so much. Sorry that this is late. We both know that you will make great parents. We will continue to pray for you both.
Rosy Martinez White
Love & prayers to you, Stevie & Clare!
Robert & Michele Benson
Wishing you every blessing on this journey.
Katie and Neil Brown
Love you guys!!!! Sending prayers and good thoughts during this new adventure :)
Victoria and Marc Somers
Gus Soliman
Nancy and Vincent Mikan
Our love and prayers are with you.
Cyndy Payo
Love you both so!
Donna Abear
Merry Christmas Stevie and Clare! ❤️
Brooke Romano
I am really fond of you guys and I am sorry you are going through such a tough time. I want to help. I am sorry I couldn't do more. Huge prayers and love to you.
Hello Again, Everyone.
It's been awhile since our last update. A lot has happened in 6 months. As I'm sure many of you are aware, the February transfer did not go as planned. After the loss of the first embryo from the new donor family, our doctor suggested we try a relatively new procedure called an ERA biopsy which would give the clinic a more precise timeline regarding the optimum point of transfer in Clare's cycle. It meant a bonus regimen of hormones and meds for poor Clare, but the results were very encouraging! It turns out that we were transferring a little outside of the best window for the embryos to attach to the uterus. So, now we have a new schedule based on those test results and Clare's next transfer is scheduled for TOMORROW MORNING! We have two embryos left, and it seems like our best plan of action at this point will be to implant both if the last two survive the thaw (93% probability).
There's really not much else to say now other than... it's in God's hands. We're hopeful and encouraged by the ERA test results, but it's a pretty emotional time for us both. Regardless of the outcome, Clare and I have gone through some intense soul searching, and we've decided that this will be the last time we attempt an embryo adoption. Between the copious amounts of resources, the grueling medical regimens, and the emotional toll, we feel like we've been in a vicious holding pattern, and we're ready to move on with our lives, one way or another. We take solace in knowing there are many ways in this world to become a parent, and if it is to be that another door opens to us, I'm sure we'll walk right though it. But for now, regarding this process, it's time to move on.
There is one more thing to say: Thank you. EVERYONE. Thank you for all your love, encouragement, gifts, and sacrifices throughout this entire journey. It's hard to believe Clare and I have been at this since November of 2015. Thank you for joining us, helping us, lifting us up in prayer... everything. We cherish you all.
Well... stay tuned... 🙂
As many of you know, 2017 was a year of many challenges for us; from an unsuccessful transfer, to the passing of our sweet little Magoo. Through it all we've remained tenacious and hopeful, for we believe that, "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."
With that said, we're happy to announce, first, that we've taken in a new bouncing ball of fur named Bogie from our local shelter. Secondly, we have made it through another matching and contract process with a new donor family, and three Day-6 Embryos are in Pasadena right now just chilling while we get Clare prepped for the next transfer which is currently scheduled for February 8th.
These developments are celebrations of life and new opportunities for us, and it's their influence that will help carry us into a new and blessed year filled with life, love and many new cherished memories.
We sincerely wish the same for all of you. Throughout the year, you have all been Godsends to us with all your encouragement and support, and you deserve all the good fortune and generosity the new year has to offer.
With all our Love,
The Phelans
Hey Everyone,
Well, things got even darker for a bit there, but now we're beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Sadly, the other two embryos we thought we had left over did not survive for another transfer. There were complications and some miscommunication with our clinic. Long story short, as a gesture of good faith, our doctor will be performing one transfer pro bono for us, which is very generous on his part.
We still have to re-enter into the matching phase with Snowflakes again however, as we sadly do not have any more embryos left from our first donor family. I have been in touch with them, and they remain supportive, even though our journey with them has come to an end.
I'm beginning to look at our latest obstacles as preparation for some of the challenges we will face in becoming parents. I don't think any parent has ever said, "Oh yea, raising children is super easy and fun all the time." I am beside-myself proud at Clare's handling of this whole experience, and thankful for the grace God has given me to handle the bumps in the road. The older I get, the more I learn that there's a wisdom in patience and a strength in meeting adversity head-on, but with truth and love.
Again, it may take awhile for the next update, what with finding a donor couple, entering into all the legally binding contracts, and then the transporting and thawing of the next embryos, but don't worry, I'll keep you posted. Just keep the prayers coming.
Love and Peace!
Hello all,
Well, our first round with the embryos did not go as hoped. We received a second blood test today confirming that Clare's levels have fallen drastically. The doctor wants to reset her system before we do anything else. This is still new and raw news. The disappointment is palpable. But we know that we still have two more embryos from our gracious donor family, and hopefully we'll be able to reassess with the medical team and see what can be done to hopefully give us better chances the next go-round.
Please keep us in your prayers.
Well folks, it's been awhile...over half a year since our last update. After a few complications and a postponement, we're happy to say that on July 8th, we have an appointment for our embryo transfer. Before the thaw, we have 5 embryos at our disposal. Time will tell how many survive that process, but the ones that do will then be checked by our doctor and, God willing, we'll have at least 2 embryos set for transfer.
We have been humbled by this entire process and the outpouring of love and support from you, our friends and family. Now what we need are prayers and positive thoughts.
Thanks for getting us to this point. Thanks for lifting us up and traveling with us down this largely unpaved road to parenthood.
...I guess there's nothing left to do here but let go and let God. As always, we'll keep you updated...but it may be awhile.
Love and Peace,
Stevie & Clare
Hello Again, Everyone!
Well, we don't really have much else to report at this point. The process is sitting with our fertility clinic at the moment and may not get moving forward again until after the new year, but I noticed that we are now just five days away from the end of our adoption bridge.
Clare and I are absolutely overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and generosity we've received these past few months. We never expected we would get as close to our goal as we have, and we are eternally grateful for the blessings that have come our way.
I am currently in a Reno stage production of Miracle on 34th Street. It's been a fun experience, but it will keep Clare and I separated until the first week of 2017. In the meantime, I am doing everything I can to count my blessings and enjoy the new friends I've made as well as use technology to keep connected to family and friends far and wide. Clare and I usually get to check in with each other at least once a day. It hasn't always been easy, but there is comfort and support for us both until I get to come home again.
This holiday season, we sincerely wish that you get all the quality time you can muster with those you love, and we thank you for loving and supporting us.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year,
Stevie & Clare
Friends and family! This election day, there is one incredibly special decision that Clare and I are privileged to have made together!
Earlier this morning, we contacted Snowflake to announce that we have accepted our donating couple match! We are looking forward to reaching out to them, and we believe they are a truly wonderful couple with a wonderful family.
Again, Clare and I are incredibly humbled and overwhelmed by your continued prayers and support. We cannot believe how close we've come to our fundraising goal. We know there are a handful of you whom we haven't been able to connect with yet. The past few weeks have been crazy. We promise you will definitely hear from us really soon.
Until then, share in our happiness in what is the most monumental and joyful decision we've made for our family.
It's been awhile since our last update, but Snowflake has contacted us to let us know that a donating family liked our profile and wants to reach out to us. At this point, we're not at liberty to reveal more information than that, but needless to say, this is another milestone in our journey. With it, comes a lot of emotions; some old, some new. We ask for your prayers at this point as we move forward with this big decision. Much love to you all! As always, more as this story develops.
Stevie & Clare
UPDATE from Clare: WOW!!! Stevie and I are so overwhelmed! In less than a week we have reached more than 50% of our goal! Thank you all so much for your love and support as we build our family. We can't wait to share the joy of a new baby with all of you!
UPDATE: Clare and I are incredibly touched by the Love that we have received this week from everyone showing support for our cause. Friends and family have begun contacting us and contributing what they can, but also important, has been the flow of moral support that has just been so beautifully overwhelming... your words are a comfort and inspiring.
We have also received contributions from people who are friends of friends, some of which we may not have even met before, and regardless of our efforts, some of these people remain elusive for us. So if you've reached out to us and haven't heard from us yet, here is your shout-out: THANK YOU SO MUCH! Your generosity is so humbling. We are INCREDIBLY GRATEFUL!
EVERYONE! ...it's so hard to find the words. All we've got is 'Thank You'. We'll continue to keep you updated on the process as we move through it, but until then, we hope your weekend is as blessed as you've made us feel.
Love and Peace,
Stevie & Clare