Five Haffs Make a Whole
Beth and Shane
Elgin, Oklahoma
It wasn't on either of our radars to adopt again so soon. Or, honestly, again at all! We were so thrilled with how well Ruth, our daughter from Nigeria, had adjusted to our family and how we were finally settling in to our new normal. But then, Cynthia's profile was added to the waiting children list, and we couldn't say no! She is the same age as our kids, and although we feel a little insane voluntarily having triplets, we are anxious and excited to bring Cynthia into our forever family. We anticipate her having some fairly major medical needs and would appreciate your help in getting her home so we can address those issues without delay. Thank you so much for being a part of our family's story- even if we don't know you at all! It's amazing how God will use anyone willing to do wonderful things for his kingdom. Bless you and keep us in your prayers!
3 Family Updates
So happy for you! Praying for you and sweet Ruthie as you wait, and as you prepare more and more for her to come home!
Rachelle Johnson
James 1:17 <3
Joe & Savannah Petty
We love you guys.
We are so excited for you all! We are praying for each of you as you wait to welcome Ruthie into your home!!
Mark Buley
What you guys are doing is truly amazing!
We are cleared for travel! Praise the Lord! We're coming soon, C!!!
Update!!! We have mailed our dossier to Hong Kong- one step closer to traveling and bringing our sweet little bug home! Allen and Ruth are very excited to meet their new little/big sister. Allen is jealous that "Cynthia" will get to sleep in Ruth's room and has been asking for a brother. We told him he could have friends sleep over! Cynthia still have some fairly pressing medical needs, and we are hoping we can get answer soon. She is doing well- happy and improving in her home, but we are anxious for her to "meet" us and know that she is loved and wanted by a forever family. If all things move smoothly, perhaps we are traveling in September of 2019. Praying things move quicker than usual and we can finally hold our sweet daughter in our arms and bring her home to her loving family and friends.
Our latest update on Ruthie is that she is doing very well- a happy girl. Answer to prayer!