Etsebeth Adoption
Hannah and Johan
Fort Worth, Texas
We are an international family and international adoption has been on our hearts since we were married. We are currently in the adoption process of bringing our little girl home from China! Our paperwork has been logged with China, so we are now in the waiting time and are preparing while we wait.
Adoption often carries with it many legal, medical, and travel fees that have to be covered as we bring her home. Many of you have asked how you can be involved in the fundraising process. We are humbled that you would ask...
Our first request is that you would pray for her. She'll be over a year old when she arrives home, so pray that she is fed, held, loved, seen, celebrated and cared for in our absence. Those prayers alone will do more for her heart and well-being than anything else.
If you would like to give toward the adoption, you can do that as well. By meeting our goal we will cover the expenses to get to our little girl, and will be able to move as quickly as possible once we have a match from the agency (Holt International).
We are so thankful for the role you play in our lives and in hers.
The Etsebeths