Diana's Embryo Adoption Journey
Moreno Valley, CA
Welcome to my adoption page ♡
My name is Diana, becoming a mom has been a desire of mine for several years now. I've cried a lot, I've prayed a lot, and I've grieved a lot. There's been moments where I've felt that maybe becoming a mom is not meant for me. For the last couple of years, Embryo Adoption has been on my heart. I've prayed about it and I've asked God to guide me in this decision. As a Christian, I believe that human life begins at the moment of conception. Every one of these viable embryos are precious human beings made in the image and likeness of God and he calls us to look after orphans; embryo adoption is the only God honoring solution to the hundreds of thousands of frozen human embryos that have no prospect at being born.
Adoption comes in many forms, including embryo adoption. I believe that my pursuit of embryo adoption in the hope of giving these precious human embryos an opportunity to exit the freezer and into the womb will bring glory to God. It would also give me an opportunity of becoming a mom and raise my children in God's word for His glory and share the good news of the gospel with them.
I am currently in the Snowflakes Family Evaluation (SFE) phase which consist of completion of many documents; background check, physical examination, financial review, embryo adoption education, and a home visit with a social worker.
Becoming a single adoptive parent comes with many challenges, that's why with a humble heart I'm reaching out to friends and family for help. I would love for you to join my embryo adoption journey. Whether your contribution is through a donation or prayer, your help would mean a lot to me and be a blessing.
With love and gratitude,
Diana Tapia
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction” James 1:27
0 Family Updates
Julian Lomeli
Omar Ayala
Dulce Hurtado
I don’t have much but I hope what little I can give can make your dream come true. Love you lots friend
Jamie Stallings
Hope all your dreams come true 😊
German Tapia
Hello sister, sitting next to me. Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🍁.
Michelle Tapia
I Love you Tia nana so happy for you starting your journey to motherhood! So happy you were able to practice with me as a kid lol From Ava Tapia. I’m so happy and proud of you for moving forward in creating your family. I know you will be a great mom. From Michelle Tapia
Sandra Garcia
Wishing you nothing but the best in this journey! Sending love and light your way 🤍
German Tapia
Christina Saiz
I’m always rooting for you!
Wendy Gonzalez
Love you and this beautiful journey that you have been guided to take. Know that I am always here for you.
Angelica Senteno
God is with you! Don’t lose faith
Leticia Hernandez Wortmann
May all of God's vision for your life come to pass
michelle jones
We are so excited for your journey to motherhood. Best of luck. Love, Jones family
Thalia Salgado
Laisa Jamison
Sending you prayers! 💛
Alma Orozco
Wishing you so much love and success on your journey. You deserve it. ♥️
Jose Gonzalez
Valerie Allen
May God continue to bless all that you do Diana! I will keep you in my prayers as you embark on this beautiful chapter.
Lilia Morales
Ruben Sanchez
Best of luck! 🤞
Karla Cordova
Miranda Gonzalez
Wishing you a smooth and beautiful journey!
Miriam Morales
Valerie Garcia
Traci Romano
Praying for you!
Gina Brown
Diana, I’m so proud of you! I’m walking this journey with you, praying and supporting you along the way. May the Lord bless you for your faithfulness to Him. Love you!
Victoria Omoto
Hi my sweet friend. Praying for you and I know you’ll be such an amazing mama. I’m so excited for you! Wish I could give more but I know anything helps.
Chelsea Boggio
Hi Diana , May God bless you with a child! You would be an amazing mom! Love, Chelsea
Steven Miranda
Lex Fraser
Praying for you always 💜🙏🏻
Marilyn Garcia
Wishing you the absolute best on this journey ❤️
Estefani Medina
Wishing you the absolute best in this journey 🙏🏼❤️
Yen Miller
Prayers for you. Good luck on your journey to become a Mom ❤️
Victoria Onchi
Because every woman who wishes to be a mom deserves to be a mom🫶🏼
Elena B.
Wishing you the BEST 💕 I know you’ll be an awesome mom ✨🙏🏽
Jessica Silva
Blessings on this precious journey! Psalm 139:13-18
Angelica Castro
Elizabeth Oropeza
Praying for you on this journey my beautiful friend. I Love you.