Choosing the one!
haley and Bradley
Brighton, Massachusetts
Hello! We are the Wright family. We are just an ordinary family who loves to serve an extraordinary God.
We are church planters in the best city, Boston (Go Red Sox!) and parents to the funniest one year old-Hudson. We have always had adoption as the way we desired to grow our family. We see that adoption is a very real picture of what Jesus has done for us. In the parable of the lost sheep, a shepherd has 99 sheep and one has wandered away. This shepherd doesn't count this sheep as a lost cause, too far gone, or someone else's responsibility but he leaves the 99 to go find his lost one. God intentionally pursues the outcast, the lonely, and the afflicted.
That is our vision with adoption. We are not rescuers but have been rescued by God. We aren't looking for a child for our family, but looking to be a family for a child in need. As God has pursued the lonely, the one others look over, so it is our desire to go after one child who has been lost. One child with needs others might fear. One child that we will be blessed to parent.
Through this adoption as in all of our lives we pray 'Soli deo gloria' (To God be the glory!)