Chen Family Adopts!
Stephen and Maria
Taylors, South Carolina
Our Story
Everyone has a unique story. Twists and turns, sadness and surprise. But for all the variations, colors, and dramatics, every story begins the same. Ordained by God, the Giver of Life. We believe every life truly is a miracle…God-designed and God-delivered. We celebrate the life God gives. We worship the God who gives it.
We began considering adoption after the birth of our third biological child. We believed God wanted to grow our family, but how? By choice, adopting our child from Hong Kong seemed the best way! The pandemic paused our discussion for a time, but not forever. We have spent the last year preparing - moving to a new house, filing paperwork, and spending lots of time in prayer. We are eager to reflect God’s unconditional love. And we can’t wait to pour it into our child’s heart.
As we started our adoption journey, we spent time studying God’s plan for orphans in the Bible. Did you know God has some very strong and specific language about the orphan? Blessings for those that love them. Curses for those that don’t. Look it up sometime. He is ravish in His love for them, fierce in His protection of them, and steadfast in His care for them. We believe He desires for us to be part of that plan. Ultimately, our story really is all about His story.
0 Family Updates
Joanne Audas
Can’t wait to meet the newest member of the Chen family❤️
Caleb Muller
I can't wait to watch you shoot balls, Isaac!