Brumbaugh Party of 2
Fort Wayne, Indiana
My name is Jodi. I am in the process of becoming a mom to a beautiful little girl in East Africa.
In 2015, I began traveling to East Africa for an internship for my Master's in Counseling. I soon fell in love with the culture and people and returned many times. In June 2018, I met a little girl who would change my life. Adoption had been an option, but God clearly showed me on this trip that I was to become this little girls mom. When I returned to Indiana, I began the process to make this little girl my daughter. Soon I will travel to the country and spend time there to foster her in country. Then I will be able to bring her back home to Indiana!
I am using AdoptionBridge to help bring my little girl home. Will you help her be a part of her forever family? Thanks!
1 Family Update
Anonymous Mom
Donald Klaehn
I Pray God's Blessings on You and Your little Lady. Your Grandma Pat is a very dear friend of mine. Who has told me so much about You and I know She is very Proud of You.
Brandi Fredel
I’m SO PROUD OF YOU JODI! God bless you and your new little girl! ❤️
Marlisa Butcher
I love this so much! May God richly bless you for being a Momma to this precious little girl!
I'm in the final stages before traveling. As of now I will be flying out on July 9th. I am so excited to go and be with my little girl! Please be praying as I wrap things up here and travel East Africa to be with my daughter!