Ashley and Matthew
Aurora, Colorado
Hey friends! Welcome to our profile page!
We are Matt and Ashley Winter and we live in the beautiful state of Colorado with our adorable puppy Vader! We have been together for twelve years--married for almost eight. We met our senior year of high school at youth group in Southern California and quickly became good friends. We started dating the summer before college. We used to spend our Friday nights at Disneyland and some of our best conversations happened while waiting in line to ride Indiana Jones, Space Mountain, or the Matterhorn. We dated for four years before Matt proposed in a cute little restaurant built in a 100-year old farmhouse surrounded by Ashley's best friends. We were married eight months later on a beautiful, rainy day in December.
We are here now because about two and a half years ago we decided it was time to start a family. We thought getting pregnant would be easy. Months of trying turned into years. We hoped medication would help and even tried some medical procedures to increase our chances. However, each month was met with disappointment. Through the grief and tears we felt God expanding our hearts with the desire to adopt. Through some unique circumstances we found Nightlight Christian Adoptions and made our decision to pursue domestic infant adoption. God is faithful!
We have officially completed our homestudy with Nightlight and are approved and waiting. This means we are eagerly anticipating being matched with an expectant birthparent(s). With the help of donations, grants, loans and fundraising we hope to meet the total cost of this adoption.
Please don’t hesitate to ask questions. We are so thankful for our amazing community of friends and family who have supported us and prayed for us in this journey from the very beginning. We are forever grateful!
WinterBabyisComing and we can’t wait to meet him or her.
With so much love,
Matt and Ashley Winter
1 Family Update
Audrey Davies
The Davies Family wishes you luck on your journey ❤️
Sam and Rebekah Rood
We love you guys and are so excited for you! We are praying in the waiting and trusting God to bring the right baby into the Winter home!
Lara Hurlburt
Praying the pain of disappointment will soon be eclipsed by the abundant joy of fulfillment. May you be a light to the little one soon to be entrusted to you and to the birth mother who is longing for redemption. May our gracious God bring you just the right baby and just the right mama in his eternally wise way and time. So excited for your growing family!
Michele Gorenstein
My adopted daughter Angie n me had the privilege of meeting Melissa at a student dining this week. She shared a bit of your story. I will keep you in my prayers. Adoption is an amazing journey :)
Kayla Kevin and Bella Ruybal
If there's anyone that deserves this, it's you Ashley. You're awesome and you're going to be a great mother! ❤
Casey & Matt
You guys are amazing!!
Ashleigh Falls
Sara Bernard
You two will be amazing parents:)
Sidney Thomas
You guys deserve this and I truly hope everything works out!
Holly Fullmer
We love you guys and are so excited for you!
Barbara Fickler
For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future . Jeremiah 29:11
Halley Everall
You will be amazing parents! I'm so happy for you and your family. With love~Halley Everall & John Schairer
Jenna Kesser
Can’t wait for this little one! You deserve every happiness!
Caleb and Michaela Roth
Exciting times!! We can't wait to meet the little one who will rock your world. You will make fantastic parents!
Andy & Kathleen Clark
We love you guys and are so overjoyed and honored to be a part of this journey! We're praying for you and can't wait to see what God has ahead!
Emily Stevenson
My parents adopting my little brother was the best thing that ever happened to me. Blessings on this new journey :)
Nick Fickler
Love you guys! I am due for a visit :)
Scott Bates
We're excited to help support you as you prepare to be parents!!
Jim & Janie Kreider
We are excited with you as you wait for the arrival of your baby! You have beautiful hearts and your baby will be so blessed to have you as parents! We love you Matt & Ashley!!
Catherine Vincent
Heather and Pete Doolittle
This is so exciting! God's got this! Let's bring Baby Winter home.
Marcel & Tanya Boldt
Colleen Fry
Bob & I love your mom & dad and we’re praying for God’s. Love,Bob & Colleen Fry ❤️
Laura & Wade Cole
What an exciting journey for you both!
Charlotte Chiang
Mary Lubliner
God bless your sweet little family! Lub ya mucho, Bruce and Mary Lubliner (Kathleen Clark's parents, just in case...) :-)
Ashlee and Aaron Hopson
We are so thrilled to be able to partner with you in a small way. We wish we could be a bigger part of your journey and miss you guys terribly. You both will be amazing parents, and we can’t wait to see all the joy that will come as you walk through parenthood together! Love you both!
Jaclyn Reiswig
You will both be amazing parents and we can't wait to share in your joy!
Brian Ehlig
To Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all we can ask or think :)
Adam and Haylee Brown
So excited for you guys! It has been a long journey and you have been faithful through it all. Looking forward to welcoming baby winter in 2019. Love, Adam and Haylee
Rebekah Rood
Allison Carpenter
So excited for this awesome new chapter of your lives!!!
John Weems
May God continue to bless you Winters. We love you! Thank you for your servant hearts.
Aubrey Pink
Can't wait to meet this new baby!
Christina Martin
So excited for you guys!! You’re gonna be the best parents!! ❤️
Kimberly Rasmusson
“The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with Joy!” Psalm 126:3 We are thrilled to see how the Lord will continue to demonstrate His greatness and add to your joy. We love you! - The Rasmusson Family
Brian and Kate Eitelman
We love you guys! Sorry we're so late to the party on this. We're praying for you and know that God has a perfect plan for your new little one!
Mission Hills Church
Know that the whole team is praying!!!
Tracy Snyder
Praying with you for God's child :)
Brian & Christy Ehlig
Go God! Thank You for all the amazing people stakeholders in Ashley’s and Matt’s life, for Ashley & Matt’s heart to share love with their new (to be) family member; for much more than can be written or said!!
Ryan and Brianna Sall
Praying for you both! Can’t wait to be an aunt!
Ryan and Esther
Love you guys! Excited for your family!
We are so amazed at how much we have raised in only about 40 days. We also just found out that we have received a grant from Raise the Dough, a non-profit that seeks to help families adopt without going into debt:) We are also still waiting! We haven't gotten any phone calls but we do know our agency is working hard, as they are working with 38 expectant birthmothers currently. We set up a nursery and have been generously gifted with amazing baby equipment. One of our friends is even gifting us breastmilk. God is good.