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Dear Expecting Parents,

Hello! This is an exciting time for you as you decide what is best for your child. We are Joe, Caterina and little Thomas, and live in Virginia. We both are from big Irish, Italian and Danish families. Caterina's family is from Italy and Denmark. Joe's family is from Ireland. We are a bit old fashion and conservative at times, but outgoing, fun and would give you the shirt off our back if you so need it. In 2021, we adopted our son Thomas when he was 4 days old. We are over-the-moon excited to be raising such an amazing little boy. 

We live in a suburb of Northern Virginia, with top rated schools and close proximity to schools, parks, libraries, hospitals, soccer fields, baseball fields, karate clubs, local art and theatre communities, community centers, and the National Zoo. Our house sits on a dead-end street, overlooking a forest with many deer and foxes running around. Tons of kids of all ages live in our neighborhood, and we have very friendly families surrounding us.

We are hoping to adopt a sister or brother or both between the ages of birth to twelve years old, who are Caucasian or of a mixed race to grow our family and to raise with Thomas. We are open to a child or children with medical conditions that are correctable through surgery, therapy or who are deaf and/or born without prenatal care, endured neglect, witnessed abuse, or who were exposed to trauma or drugs, and may have an IEP plan. We are open to a lot more and are ready to discuss that with you. We also truly believe in an open adoption and keeping the connections alive, because we believe the healthiest kids are those who stay connected with their different types of family and kinship connections through the years, as well as make and grow their own friendships. 

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