Sarah and Gordon (ID# 2084963)
Dear Expectant Mother, Thank you for taking the time to look at our profile. As you begin this process of looking at families, we imagine you are experiencing a range of emotions. If you pursue adoption and select us, it is our deepest desire to welcome your son or daughter into our family, and to honor you in the process. No matter what decisions you make moving forward, you are now, and will forever be this child’s biological mother. We recognize the sacred role you have, and hope to create space together for all the people who love this child.
Gordon and I have been married for 9 years, and have one biological son, Jacob, who is 6. We started talking about adoption as a possibility while we were dating, and now feel the Lord calling us to move forward in adopting. While we did not struggle with infertility and were blessed to be able to conceive and carry a healthy pregnancy, we feel the Lord has planned for our next child to enter into our family through adoption. Adoption can be a beautiful depiction of the Lord's love and grace, and his promise to us as his children. We desire to love and care for a child the way the Father cares for us. We want you to know He loves and cares for you, too.
We live in Georgia and are both in education. Gordon teaches elementary PE, and Sarah teaches Adapted Curriculum Special Education. As a family, we simply enjoy being together. On a weeknight you will find us playing in the yard on our swingset, cooking dinner together, or watching soccer and baseball. We also enjoy going to the zoo or aquarium, spending time with friends or family, and attending our church. We have experienced an outpouring of support from our loved ones for adopting, and our families know we have selected Nightlight specifically because of their open adoption policy. As you explore adoption as a possible choice for your family, please know we are praying for you.
Gordon and Sarah Walls
Here is a link to our Profile Book if you would like to get to know our family better!