Nick & Meg Family ID 2093734
Dear Birthmama,
It seems only fitting to start this letter by acknowledging your courage in being here and in considering adoption for the life that you carry. We have a deep respect for you and cannot imagine all the emotions you may be feeling right now. Pregnancy can be scary and it’s certainly life-changing, but it is also miraculous and in incredible feat of strength. Adoption is anything but simple or easy. For everyone involved, it is emotional and messy. We have such high admiration for birth mothers, as we believe that making an adoption plan for your child is one of the greatest sacrifices anyone could ever make.
Our names are Nick and Meg, and we have two biological children of our own – Raelynn, who is 4 years old, and Leah, who is 2 and a half. These beautiful girls love so big, and just radiate joy in our lives! We are high school sweethearts who grew up together in Colorado and started our family there. Even then, at the ages of 13 and 14, we would talk about adoption and how passionate we both were about it. We have always known that adoption would play an important role in our family.
We recently moved to South Carolina, and we love it here! Though we miss our families and friends back in Colorado, God has already provided an incredible church and a wealth of wonderful people here that are quickly becoming our community. We are also blessed to have my (Meg’s) parents here in the state, and we see them often! Additionally, we are thankful for the opportunity to go back to Colorado twice a year to see everyone and still celebrate the holidays with family.
Some of our favorite family activities include visiting the beach, Friday family movie night with homemade popcorn, Sunday morning English tea times before church, baking bread, muffins and scones together in the kitchen, and adventuring to the many parks and museums that are in our surrounding area! We also started homeschooling this year, which has been so much fun. It’s important to us that we nurture in our children a love of learning and a curiosity about the world and cultures around them.
We live in a very diverse part of the state, and we ourselves are a very diverse family. Nick’s parents are an inter-racial couple, as are we! We love that our family has an African American heritage and that each of us is a different shade than the others. We have always felt that no child would feel out of place in our home, because we are already all different from each other in such beautiful ways.
We know that as a birth mother, you are faced with some very difficult decisions right now. Should you decide on an adoption plan, we would love to come alongside you and walk this journey together. Depending on your comfort level, we would love to share pictures over the years and discuss visits with you. But we also respect your privacy and will honor whatever your preferences are. Know that, no matter what you decide, we are praying over you, and may you know the fulness of God’s presence and peace through this journey.
Nick and Meg
(with Raelynn and Leah)
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