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Domestic Adoption

Hello, Expectant Parent/Parents! 

We are so grateful and thankful to meet you! We are Jacob and Lindsay. 

With this letter acting as our first 'meeting’, we want to take the opportunity to express our deepest gratitude to you. For each and every selfless decision you've made that has lead you to this moment here with us, we honor you. To be considered by you now, is our greatest privilege. Who you are, and your unique story, is everything that makes this adoption journey so beautiful. Very few moments in life have the potential for such meaning and impact. What an incredible chance to see love come alive, move it's legs, and take off running! We just can't wait to see what God has in store for the future! 

In this letter, and through the pages of our book, we hope that you might also have an unfiltered window in which to view our lives and see the many areas where you and baby can/will fit. We made our profile book so that it might read as if we are meeting for the first time in-person (Click on the button at the bottom of the page to view a PDF version of our book). We have lots of pictures included in our book, pages highlighting our home, details about our community, facts about our extended families, letters from our parents to their future grandchildren, an explanation of our beliefs, and our promise to use complete transparency as we teach our child about their adoption/birth. We are committed to honoring our child's birth family in word and action, and are dedicated to raising a kid that will grow to be a happy and healthy adult. We believe that you deserve transparency from us as well. You need to see our lives as they are to make a fully informed decision. Our book is packed with details; all of the perfectly imperfect, messy, organized, wild, and routined little and big things that make us who we are. 

In our home, we might be small family of two, but, we have a love that is BIG. Our love for each other, and for life, is what we cling to in the midst of life's most destructive storms. Love is what we want for you and what we hope you might see through learning a bit more about our journey. Back in 2012, when we were young college students who didn’t know much about the world, or who we would become, we found each other. We were introduced through mutual friends, and on the first night we met, we clicked like nothing either one of us had ever experienced. We sat outside and talked for hours until the sun came up. We talked about everything…and nothing lol. We laughed a lot. We were best buddies- totally inseparable- from that day on. Still are. Like peanut butter and jelly, we just worked. We did, and still do, make each other better. Making the leap from best friends to lasting love didn’t take us long. We decided to get hitched in November of 2015 with a huge wedding surrounded by all of our family and friends. It is so hard to believe that we have been married for 8 years now! 

In our years together, we have graduated college, traveled a bunch, settled into a nice home with plenty of room for growth,  spoiled and supported a whole heap of little gremlins that call us ‘Aunt LeeLee’ and ‘Uncle Jacob’, established strong and stable careers we enjoy, and made a life for ourselves that we are proud of. Knowing you, if you also wish to know us, will no doubt be one of the most important things we do with our lives. All of the other stuff seems small in comparison. We did not choose adoption in hopes of filling some kind of void or emptiness in our lives. Babies are not band-aids. Instead, we have chosen this path with great intentionality, and only after gaining a thorough understanding of all the good and more difficult aspects. We could not feel more prepared or more excited to see what comes next! We are both so full- full of energy, time, interests, hobbies, good health, silliness, resources, and outside support. So full, that at times it feels as though we might burst if we continue to keep inside what is so clearly meant to be shared on the outside. Our home, our hearts, our minds, and our bodies are as ready as anyone can hope to be. We already have all of our baby furniture, from crib to changing table, and it's been all set-up in adorable room just down the hall from to ours! 

If blessed with a baby, we will freely and happily give all that we are, all that is inside of us, and all that has been poured into us through the love of our own parents. We will act and speak in a way that serves the best interest of our child above all else. We will be protective, but careful not to overbear. They will know what we believe, but will have the freedom to choose for themselves one day. Both of us want to instill confidence, independence, and a raise a child who is proud and sure of who they were made to be. No matter what, we will love our child without condition. This is the foundation of our faith as Christians, and the most important thing we will strive to both instill and display- love. In our adoption profile book, you will find a page towards the end that outlines our promises to you and our visions for parenthood. We take these commitments very seriously, and are of course open to working closely with our birth family to make additions. 

There is so much more that we could say in this letter, and so much that we want to know about you. If you have any questions at all, or would like to reach out, we are are represented by Nightlight Christian Adoptions and can be contacted by calling (864) 268-0570 (x251). Ask to connect with Jacob and Lindsay (ID #2088287).

Thank you for taking this time with us!
We can’t wait to know you! 

Wishing you joy and love,

Jacob & Lindsay (ID #2088287)

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