Garett & Megan (ID# 2087895)
Hi there!
We are grateful for this chance to share some of our story with you and wish you peace as you decide what is best for you and your baby. Our names are Megan and Garett and our children are Jocelyn (the sweet and spunky princess) and Theo (the adorable jokester). Jocelyn was born in May 2019 while we were in Japan teaching English. Before we had any children, we had always talked about adopting one day. After a very difficult birth with Jocelyn, we decided that it was time to pursue that dream, so in January of 2023, we adopted Theo when he was only two days old. We are so grateful for Theo and his birth mother's decision to place him with us: We are all crazy about him! We have a wonderful open adoption with his birth mother and her family: We often share photos and videos, and we visit at least twice a year. This is because we think it is important for him to know his history and to understand how much his whole family loves him. Now we are looking to adopt again, because we'd like a bigger family and we know whatever child joins our family will be a beautiful gift.
We live in Rhode Island, and I have to say, it is my favorite place we've ever lived. We love getting out and going on adventures, and this state has everything: parks, playgrounds, the zoo, aquariums, hiking spots, local businesses, beaches, libraries, etc. And everything is within a short drive! We especially enjoy our own neighborhood. It is safe, diverse, and has a lot of young families.
Garett and I have a very close relationship: We talk about absolutely everything. When we get the chance, we love going on dates, whether that be biking, jogging, or visiting a local coffee shop together. We are connected through many shared interests, but most of all, we share the same faith in Jesus Christ. Our church is a big part of our lives too, and we teach our children about God’s love and their preciousness. We love our kids so much (they are the best thing that has ever happened to us!), but we know God loves them even more, and that is a big comfort.
As we close, we just want to say that you are precious too. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. We believe you love your baby and will make whatever choice you believe is best for him or her. We support whatever that decision is. Praying that God fills you with peace and love.
Love, Megan and Garett
Well the summer is coming to a close, but it's been a fun one. We went to church camp in New York, visited Jocelyn's grandparents in Maine, went blueberry and strawberry picking, bought an axolotl for a pet, went camping, visited the zoo, started swim classes for Jocelyn, visited several beaches, went kayaking, spent a lot of time with friends, went on a few dates (Garett and I), and more. The next adventure is Jocelyn starting preschool two days a week!
Jocelyn had her first Ballet recital yesterday. It turns out she loves the stage haha. It was a a little chaotic, but she had fun.
Jocelyn just turned 3 years old! We had a dinosaur-themed party in the backyard with some friends. She had a blast and Garett tried his hand at making a cake that looks like a dinosaur. It was kind of pokemon-ish in the end. Anyway Jocelyn appreciated it, so that's what counts 😛