Rosenbarker Family Adoption

Hello family, friends, and strangers!

We are Cody and Rebecca Rosenbarker, and adoption is something we have been talking about doing for several years now. We started the process a couple of years ago, but in the midst of both working 40+ hours a week and both being in graduate school full time, we just didn’t think it was the right time for us to be bringing a child into our family. Not that there is ever a perfect time, but we are very excited about this new journey for us.
We are pursuing a special needs adoption of an older child from Kyrgyzstan, which is located in Central Asia, near China, Russia, and Kazakhstan. There is a specific little boy that we have a particular interest in adopting, but the international adoption process is very long with lots of bumps along the way, so we can’t be sure that he will be joining our family. At least, not yet!

In this time of transition for us, we greatly appreciate your thoughts, prayers, and support. The international adoption process is a costly endeavor: our agency estimates that our total costs will be about $38,000. We deeply value and appreciate any amount you feel lead to give that will help us bring our child home!