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$3,578 raised so far
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On December 12, 2012, my life as I had always planned it changed forever. A sweet Haitian orphan  looked up at me with deep soulful eyes stealing my heart in a way that catapulted me on an  adoption journey I sometimes still can’t believe has continued for more than seven long years.    

The journey began with a mission trip to Haiti, a country I have visited and loved for quite some  time.  I had volunteered for the annual children’s Christmas party, a celebration created by a local  Haitian ministry to bring Christmas joy to more than 15,000 Haitian children.

 It was the very first day of my arrival. I was greeted by one of the other volunteers who excitedly  told me about a three-year-old girl living at the orphanage who looked just like a tiny version of me.  Her name was Adassa. In 2010, at only seven months old, she and two older siblings had lost both  of their parents to the deadly earthquake that killed over 200,000 Haitians. Living in extreme poverty  with a handicapped aunt for a short while, she had ended up at the orphanage (now a double  orphan) in hopes that they could provide her with a better life and future.

The next day, when I was finally able to meet Adassa. We couldn’t speak each other’s language but  we connected in such a joyful way playing catch and until we were both completely worn out!  Picking her up in my arms, I sat down with her snuggled up against me and rocked her back and  forth. She looked up at me with her big, beautiful eyes showing me a strength I could only imagine  going through what she had endured in such a short amount of time. 

 When Adassa closed her eyes to rest safely in my arms, I stared at her sweet face as tears began to  pour from my eyes. It was then, I felt a stirring in my heart, unlike anything I have felt before. At that  moment our spirits connected, and I heard the voice of God say to me, “Beverly, this is the child  you have always prayed for. Will you take her?”  

 I have always wanted to be a mother. In fact, I had been journaling and praying for years about  having a daughter someday. As the years went by, I would often wonder if God would ever answer  my prayer to be a mother to a little girl. Little did I know, or expect, that God would answer those  prayers across the waters in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and with an orphaned  child. But he did!   

Since that day in December 2012, Adassa and my life have been joined together as I have pursued  what has seemed like an impossible quest sometimes.  Traveling to Haiti for her birthday every year  just to hold her, see her bright eyes, hear her laugh, sing, and call me Mommy. Adassa, like me  loves to sing. Each time I leave her behind, my heart and hers hurt. But, we keep moving forward  doing what is necessary to bring her to her new home in the US. We talk on skype often, leave each  other little voicemail messages, and I wait patiently for God to finish what He has started.   

A lot of good has come from the years of waiting and standing in faith. Today, Adassa is a healthy,  kind-hearted, vibrant, smart, funny, and beautiful 10-year old who has learned to speak English,  always anxious for when she will fly across the waters to America!  And, we believe that will happen  soon. Through the advocacy and championing of our adoption agency, there is a clear path to  bringing Adassa home soon to Georgia and her Mommy!   

Both Adassa and I are so grateful to everyone who has been on this journey with us both in prayer  and with the sharing of financial gifts.  I have been blessed to be able to cover the costs of the  adoption so far, but of course there is still more to go. Many have asked how they can help both  financially and prayerfully. I created this page to share a little of our story so you can walk alongside  with us however you feel called.  The power of so many prayers have kept the process moving  forward so, please continue to keep Adassa and me in yours.  If you would like to contribute to her adoption fees, you can utilize this secure page to do so. All funds will go directly into our agency  account to cover the last stages of the adoption process and are tax-deductible.   

We are so grateful that you took the time to learn more about us. Much love and prayers to you and  yours. Thank you for being a part of bringing Adassa home!   

Gloria Grevas

I’m so happy for you and Adassa!

Sheila Graves

I’m excited for you and Adassa. Looking forward to meeting her!

Mary Farmer-Kaiser

Sending much love and many prayers. May this journey continue to be filled with blessings—and may it move forward to bring you and Adassa together forever once and for all very very soon!

Rebecca Buras

Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Melinda Abrams

Love you Bev and can’t wait to meet Adassa! In Hebrew, the number 18 is the word Chai which also means ‘life.’ You and Adassa make a beautiful family and will give each other new and loving , long life!

Pamela Scott

Beverly, I am honored to be a small part of helping to bring Adassa home to you.

Charlotte Conway

Blessings to you both. It’s time to bring Adassa home! ???? ????????

Angelina Tyler

I love you and cant wait to meet this beautiful princess!

Valerie Doyle

Liz Pierre

Best wishes on your adoption journey. Such a beautiful story.

Leah Sweitzer

Love your and Adassa’s story. Congrats to both of you!

Iris Johns

BEV! Thank you so much for letting us be part of this process with you. I can't wait to meet that baby girl and see just how much of yours she truly is. Congratulations!

Emily Abrash de Garcia

So moved by this sweet story. I hope you are able to bring your little girl home soon!


Good luck! The wait is almost over.

David Harben

Can't wait to meet Adassa!

Sabrina Chambers

Your and Adassa's story brought me to tears in such a wonderful and powerful way. Thank you for being patient and glorifying God in this journey: He will certainly continue to bless it. I look forward to hearing the story of when she sees her home. :-)

Sheryl Taylor

I can't even express how excited I am about Adassa coming home. God's blessing to you! Much Love - Sheryl

TJ Mesidor

I am so very happy that you are closer to making your house a home for you and Adassa! I wish you a speedy process here on out and only peace, health and happiness for both you and Adassa!!

Tiffany Jackson

What an inspiring story! Can't wait to meet Adassa!

Sherry Patton

Praying she comes home this yr!

Jody Williams

Patrick Crowley

Go Bev!

Courtney Swander

Can’t wait to meet her!

Molly Walsh

You are both blessed to have found one another. Bev, you are a beautiful example of patience, trust, and faith. We're waiting for you, Adassa!

Jenny Baumann

With Love

Virginie Durr

I am so in love with your story!! Can’t wait to meet her!

Sara Reid

What a beautiful story! It's always so neat to see how God places children in families in the most creative of ways! Excited for Adassa to come home!!!!

Neil Gilbert



Congrats Bev! So happy for you that the end of this journey is finally in sight!

Otto Burston

Congrats Beverly - So happy for you.

Kanye Harris

Good luck Beverly!!

Alex Wright

Yay!! Can’t wait to meet her!!

Leigh Scott


Best wishes!

Yolanda Recio-Elder

Bev and Adassa, We know how hard it's been for both of you. Will continue praying for our sweet Adassa to come home soon where she belongs. Your mom has so many plans for you. We can't wait to meet you & introduce you to your two brothers. Over the years, we have watched you growing and becoming a beautiful lady. We are so proud of you. You are a strong beautiful princess and soon you'll become an amazing little woman with big dreams. Here's to years of Health, Love, Joy and Happiness. GOD has amazing plans for each of you. We love you with all our hearts & Welcome to our family.

Karen Kaikkonen

Sending my wishes that your home will soon include Adassa!

Katie Rainer

Congratulations, Bev! So happy for you!!

Namrud Andemariam

Eunice Sibrian

Congratulations and good luck with everything!

Demetria Agyemang

Beverly, May God continue to bless you and Adassa bond. Soon, very soon, you will have your little girl with you each day.

Sara Aschalew

Carol DeHaven

Bev and Adassa, Many blessings, much happiness and love, Carol DeHaven