The Arnold's Adopt from India!
Megan and Reid
Decatur, Indiana
When Reid and I (Megan) were planning our family size, prior to marriage, we both agreed that four children sounded like the perfect number. However, reality quickly sets in when you have kids, and you realize they're a lot of work! We decided that, in reality, two was the right number. We were going to be done at two children, when God sent us baby #3 as a surprise....And it was the best surprise ever. Not only was he the sweetest baby, but God used him to break open our human plans, humble us, and remind us that God's plans are always better than our own.
Since the birth of our third baby, I've felt like there's still a child missing from the headcount. Even when everyone is present, it feels like someone is missing. Reid and I both quickly came to the realization that not only was TWO not God's number, but neither was THREE!
When the discussion of more babies began, adoption was part of the conversation from the get go. As believers in Jesus, we care about the things that Jesus does, namely orphans. And with 140 million orphans worldwide, it is apparent that we are called to be Jesus' hands and feet to those children.
The decision to adopt from India didn't come from a big audible voice from God, but in small conversations with others who've adopted internationally, from India, banquets and dinners that support those in need, and the still, small convicting voice of the Holy Spirit. This is the next big, scary, beautiful thing to which God has called the Arnolds. And so we have begun working to bring home a little girl; a sister, a daughter.
As we step out in faith, we need your support. Over and over we have been counseled: "If God has called you to this, He will provide the resources. That's the small stuff in His book".
It feels like big stuff to us! And yet we have already seen God providing in extra income with our businesses, and friends and even strangers offering their support.
It costs nearly $40,000 to adopt a child from India, and we will need support and prayers from YOU to make that happen. We can't do this on our own. But that's exactly where God wants us to be. And where He invites you to be a part of His provision plan.
THANK YOU in advance for supporting us on this journey. We love you, are thankful for you, and can't WAIT to introduce you to the newest member of the Arnold crew!
0 Family Updates
Brad and Julie Engle
More to come! God is in control. With love and full support- The Engles
Debra Koontz
So excited for your next journey! Praying for your family and for your perfect daughter being hand picked from God!
Ashley Beard
Praying for you during this journey!
Amanda Hubartt
Thank you for responding to the need!
Linda Powers
Abigail Matthews
Todd Rupp
We are excited for you guys!
Alyssa Shultz
Praising God with you that He is providing the resources to bring your baby girl home! Praying blessings over this process and your family!