$7,999 goal
$1,060 raised so far
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Thank you for visiting our adoption page! Our names are Daniel and Kimberly Shugert. We live in Northern Utah and have been married for 7 years. Over the last couple years, God has been leading us toward the adoption process as a way of growing our family. But adoption is not merely a way to build a family, it is an expression of the very nature of God.


We have been adopted into God's family and that is both miraculous and unmerited. As God has adopted us, it is our desire to demonstrate that same pattern by choosing to love those who are unwanted, orphaned, or otherwise unable to remain with their biological parents. We want our home to always be open to those who need a family. James 1:27 says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep onesself from being polluted by the world".


You, like us, may have never heard about embryo adoption before. It is a relatively new reality as a result of modern fertility treatments which often create more embryos than are desired or able to be carried by the genetic family. Some of these families are looking for other families to carry their children not yet born. Embryo adoption was a brand new concept for us when it was mentioned by a fertility professional. Our ability to carry, birth, and nurse an child from the embryonic stage made adoption a very serious consideration, and we decided to move forward with this decision early this spring as we prayed about God's plan for our family. 


We are so excited that you are interested in joining us on this journey. We recognize that adopting embryos cannot guarantee the successful birth of any of them, however it is their only chance at life. Thank you for considering donating to make this possible!

Hannah Mullaney

Love you!!!!

Crystie Ethridge

We’re praying all goes well through this process.

Larry Ethridge

We are so excited for you and hope everything goes well for an early adoption.

Janet Watts

We love you both and know you will be amazing Godly parents! We are excited to watch this journey unfold. Dale and Janet Watts